Cooperative Contacts Planted by the CCP in the U.S. Serve as CCP's Secret Police

2 months ago

08/02/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show @stinchfield1776: The CCP’s Ministry of State Security has planted many operatives in the U.S.. The DOJ's indictment of Ping Li reveals that he provided the CCP with information about his employer and details on dissidents who fled Communist China to the U.S.. These so-called “cooperative contacts” effectively serve as the CCP’s secret police in America.
#CCPagent #cooperativecontact #secretpolice
08/02/2024 小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show:中共国安部在美国安插了许多特工。司法部对李平的起诉书显示,他向中共提供了有关其雇主的信息以及逃离中共国到美国的持不同政见者的详细资料。这些所谓的 “合作联系人”实际上充当了中共在美国的秘密警察。
#中共特工 #合作联系人 #秘密警察

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