8/3/2024 Drive by Parenting and a Missed Prisoner Exchange

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Rush Limbaugh coined the phrase ”drive by media” implying that the American press like their predecessor Pravda would shoot lies and misinformation at the public and then drive off to later return again for another round of shootings. So how would you describe the assail on our children’s minds in public schools and by social and the aforementioned news media plus big brother’s manipulating and tainting the truth for personal gain? What are they all shooting at?

Rush tried to stand between the public and the drive by media but today who should be shielding our children from this mind control madness? Is it not the community, church and most importantly the children’s parents and family members?
Lots of headlines regarding a successful prisoner exchange between Russia and the USA so when do the J-6ers get to come home, Eh? – I’ve got a few folks in mind to exchange for them . . . but I digress.

Did you know that one Christian J-6er has been in prison for 1300 days without a trial! How about the children and spouses who have been separated from their fathers who are being imprisoned for basically committing misdemeanors?

Be prepared to be energized folks, it's time to act.

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