The real reason the ClA, lMF, CFR & WEF are backing another color revolution in Venezuela

2 months ago

Have you found any definitive explanations for what is happening in Venezuela? Here is an interesting take on Venezuela: U.S. G0V and media have never really cared about whether a foreign leader is ‘democratic’ or not; they support tyrants all the time, if it aligns with corporate interests. This is the real reason the ClA, lMF, CFR and WEF are backing another color revolution in Venezuela.

Here is a rebuttal:
What is happening in Venezuela is not a color revolution. Don’t judge what you really do not know, you should dig and find out what has really been going on there for the past 25 years. And how Smartmatic/Dominion has stolen another election on behalf of Maduro who is nothing more than a tyrant supporting the black budget of CIA and company via the drugs that pass from Colombia to the US via Venezuelan Military under Maduro.

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I am an expert in Venezuelan politics, have lived there as well. Your take us understandable and logical but incorrect. Maduro is a despised cruel murderer. The citizens vastly turned out to vote him gone. Why the State Dept. acknowledges this I don't know.

Venezuela has already applied to join BRICS. The USA for sure does not want that to happen.

The US wants the Venezuelan's gold, lithium, & oil. That's all! They do not give a hoot about anything else.

Uranium. Venezuela has uranium.

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