VSRF Live #137: Covid Legal Victories Update

7 months ago

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On this week’s VSRF LIVE we feature a panel of COVID litigators who will discuss recent major wins in the fight against illegal COVID mandates and their harmful repercussions, including the proper re-classification of C19 “vaccines” as therapeutic drugs which cannot be mandated, as well as employer mandate, hospital protocols, and related cases that have received favorable judgements by the courts.

First we welcome our good friend and previous guest, attorney Warner Mendenhall, along with attorney Jeremy Friedman – both currently pursuing a number of important cases including a massive class action against the University of California Board of Regents with our very own Nurse Angela as one of the plaintiffs.

Additionally, we will do a deep dive into some of the more recent pivotal case victories and what they mean for setting precedent against future health-related human rights abuses by government. Some key cases we will discuss include: Health Freedom vs. LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) where it was decided that mandating C19 injections, which do not stop virus transmission, may be distinguished from the smallpox vaccine mandates at issue in the pivotal Jacobson v. Massachusetts decision that has been the controlling precedent calling vaccine mandates constitutional since the early 20th Century. We’ll also look into the United Airlines case where the Northern District of Texas, Fifth Circuit, recently ruled that all United Airlines employees put on unpaid leave despite having a religious exemption to the Covid-19 injections can join Sambrano v. United Airlines, making the case one of the largest religious discrimination class action lawsuits in history. We’ll also be discussing the recent Navy Seals vs. Biden case where the military will be forced to expunge any service member records documenting a refusal to take the COVID vaccines. Time permitting, we’ll also cover the important First Amendment controversy in Murthy v. Biden and discuss where the fight to combat medical censorship currently stands.

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