Prophet Julie Green - Live With Julie - Globalism Is Collapsing - Captions

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2 months ago

In this prophetic message, God declares that globalism is collapsing and the control of world leaders and tech giants is being destroyed. He promises to expose their plans and bring them down to nothing, while also ensuring a victory in the United States through unprecedented and unconventional means. God reassures his people that nothing is impossible for him to fix, and urges them to trust in his hands to bring about a political, economic, and medical reset to save their nation.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


Today’s Scriptures:
Isa. 54:17
Job 22:28
Ps. 118:24
2 Tim. 1:7
Gen. 50:20
Deut. 30:19
Heb. 13:5
2 Cor. 2:14
Col. 1:13
Hos. 4:6
Deut. 28:13
John 17:13-17
Rom. 12:1-2
Rom. 10:17
John 16:33
1 Tim. 6:12
Ps. 3:1-8
Ps. 91:7
Ps. 18:3, 17-18, 48
Heb. 13:8
Ps. 122:6
Isa. 5:20
Hag. 2:22
Ps. 33:10
Est. 4:14


COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX:www.prophecyindex.org



Good morning, everybody. Today is Thursday, July 11th, 2024. And I want to thank each and every one of you for joining today's live stream once again. Today, I know that this is going to be a good day. First of all, because this is a day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. I want to remind you, Isaiah 54:17, that no weapon formed against you shall prosper.

The enemy has many types and forms of attacks against the body of Christ right now. I do believe this is part of the time where God says a time of darkness. It's not just a literal darkness of electricity or of internet. This was a spiritual darkness as well. And this is where we have to stay and stand fast on the word of God.

Because God is getting us up and over every single thing that's trying to keep us back and hold us down. We do have the victory. We declare and decree the victory. And it says in Job, if we declare a thing, it shall be established. So start declaring your health and healing. Start declaring your sound mind.

Start declaring that you have strength. Start declaring that you have peace in your body or peace in your family. Start declaring right now. That you have restoration in your family members start declaring right now that you have finances that you need Start declaring right now that our nations are sound and our nations are free from our enemies This is what we had to be declaring and decreeing on a daily basis We had to stop saying everything that we have and start saying everything that we want saying our hearts desires Speaking the word of god and speaking what god wants us to say You Every day.

We have to declare what God wants us to say every single day. This morning, right before I got on, this is what I wrote down. Now, I thought it was very impactful and very important to give this out before the other prophecy. Okay? This is just a word I know I got from the Lord for encouragement for the body of Christ.

This is what he was saying to us. We are growing stronger as our enemies are growing weaker That's what he wants each and every one of you to know You are growing stronger day by day as the enemies grow weaker day by day We are being perfected in our faith as our enemies are growing in fear Because remember faith and fear are total opposites So as we're growing in our faith and our trusting in god, they are growing in fear and panic Then it was also goes on to say we have a sound mind He wants you to know that you have a sound mind And the reason why I was putting it like this is so that eventually I know the team will put this on our website I want you to declare it And I want you to create this way.

All right, we have a sound mind, the mind of Christ that is strong and immovable while our enemies are growing in fear and confusion. Then he also says we are holding the line and our enemies are retreating. We are holding the line and our enemies are retreating. We are walking into our victory. While our enemies are walking into their defeat a shaking is happening now to shake those shackles off over your minds Your bodies your families your finances and your nations Receive that outpouring of power in this hour So that's in some of the encouragement that god wanted each and every one of you to have i'm going to go over these points again That he was showing me this morning.

We are growing stronger as our enemies are growing weaker That's something I think we are seeing right now. You can see what's growing on the enemy's camps. They are panicking they are uh Well turning on one another that's exactly what god said that they were going to do They're going to start turning on one another.

That's what they are doing. They are growing more divided This is another thing another point. They're growing more divided as we are growing more united So our enemies are growing more divided as we are growing more united So that's another point we are being perfected in our faith as our enemies are growing in fear So that means if we're being perfected in faith, that means we are growing stronger in our trusting God, and if our enemies are growing in fear, that means they're, they're being more controlled by the enemy day by day.

We have a sound mind. Now, again, I want each and every one of you to declare that on a daily basis because the enemies that try to put out so much disinformation, so much confusion, so much of bad reports, evil reports, so many things that are contrary to the word of God, and it's making people have. A double mind it's making people have panic and they're making people Being tossed to and fro because they don't know what to believe.

Well, no, we have a sound mind I want you guys all to say that I have a sound mind. I have the mind of christ I don't have a mind of fear. I don't have a mind full of doubt or worry and unbelief I have the mind of christ you the mind of christ That means you have a sound mind that means as you're in battle You're not going to be moved by all these things that are going to try to move you You have the mind of Christ.

Okay, that is strong and immovable while our enemies are growing in fear and confusion. We are holding the line and our enemies are retreating. So we're growing right there. It's like we are all unified in the body of Christ and we are in the army of the Lord and we're, we're on that front line. We're on the front line of battle.

In that front line of battle, we are holding that line and our enemies are right now on the retreat. They're not unified. They're not strong. They are weak. Where we are weak, God is strong. God is the one making us stronger every single day, while our enemies, because they're following the enemy of Almighty God, they're growing weaker.

That's why we hold the line. We're holding the line, we're standing on our ground, and our enemies are retreating. We are walking into our victory, while our enemies are walking into their defeat. So we're walking into our victory while our enemies are walking in to their defeat And they again he talking about this shaking again A shaking is happening now to shake those shackles off of your minds of your bodies of your families of your finances and of this nation and receive the outpouring of the power in this hour We're supposed to receive that outpouring.

This is words of encouragement that the Lord had just given me right before I got on. Words of encouragement to let us know the battle has been long. It's grown dark. It has gotten horrible. It looks like, contrary to certain things, it feels Like we're not winning sometimes and it feels like we're going in the opposite direction as a body of Christ or as a nation.

But God wants to remind each and every one of you that we're going in the right direction because he said remember the winds of change are here because God's changing the winds. And the momentum and the movement that we are in, that movement and the momentum is on our side because God is on our side and he is the one who's directing that movement.

And he's the one who is giving us that momentum because it's God's strength. It's God's ability. It's God's power. And we're just supposed to tap into it. We're not responsible to fix these things. The only type of things that we're responsible for is not giving up or quitting and trusting in the Lord.

That's our responsibility. That's part of our marching orders is to not give up, not quit, and you keep fighting that good fight of faith. You keep trusting in the Lord, despite what your circumstances say, despite what the thoughts that you have in your mind, you trust in the Lord. And I'm telling you That's why I told the Lord a long time ago, I said, Lord, turn every single one of my tests into a testimony so I can share it out into the body of Christ.

So no matter what hell I was ever going through, I want to make sure that I learned something out of it, I grew stronger through it, and it was teachings and revelation that I could give into the body of Christ. Because everything that Satan means for harm, God can turn it into something good. Take it from me.

Who was I hated myself. I was a failure. I thought in my mind. I was weak. I was sick I was broken and very suicidal and forgot to take someone like me who was opposite of what you would think That could be a person sitting behind a camera talking and believing in faith of Almighty God, trusting in Almighty God, standing on Almighty God's word, and not ever giving up and quitting.

I'm not saying that's never, those thoughts have never gone through my mind, because they do. But I'm telling you where you were weak and where you think that you are not going to be able to ever get up. You're never going to be able to get through that test or trial. You're never going to be able to get through the circumstances that are screaming and shouting in your face.

And God is saying, if you just trust me through this storm, I will calm the storm. I will stop the storm from impacting you and destroying you and devouring you. And I'm going to make you suffer. Stronger. I Am going to show you that I Am that great. I Am the God who nothing is impossible through that storm.

One of the most beautiful things. That I've ever experienced in my walk with God, is no matter how big that storm is, no matter how loud it is, no matter how big the waves are, or how bad the winds are just knocking you over, it seems like, there's that slight whisper, if you just pay attention, that he's trying to get your attention, and he's giving you that revelation knowledge, and he's giving you that encouragement in the midst of that storm.

And then if you're paying attention and you're listening to him, just like, you know, when Peter was walking on the water, when he was walking on the water, When he trusted Jesus, when he wasn't looking at the storm, he was able to walk on water, but is when he started trusting more and the ability of the storm to take him out is when he fell.

But then you have Jesus, you had him not scold him and not get angry with him because he lost his faith. But he went back over there. He went, took his arm, got him up out of that water and put him back on the boat. And that's what God does during our storms. He's not gonna he's not there to scold you. He corrects when he loves But he's there to pick you up out of that storm and put you on a solid place And then he calms the storm.

That is our God. You know, no matter how many times I'm a mother of, you know, three boys, and no matter how many times they've ever messed up, I have always, always wanted the best for them. And that's how our God always wants the best for us. He wants us to have the life that he has designed for us. But just like I can't force my children to obey at some of their ages now I can want them to but it's their choice whether they obey god or not You know when they were little I had a little bit more influence on that But now that they're a little bit older I don't have as much they had to make these decisions and choices on their own Just like god is not going to force us to obey.

He's not going to force us to make these decisions He's a gentleman, but he's going to want you to make the right choices You So that he can intervene on your behalf. And just as the word says in Deuteronomy chapter 30, I'm pretty sure it's verse 19. I said before you life and death, blessing and cursing, you choose.

He wants us to choose life. He wants us to choose blessing. How do we choose that? With our words. How do we choose that? With the decisions that we're making in our life. God is in every situation. God is omnipotent. He's everywhere. He's everywhere. That means he says in his word, he never leaves us nor forsakes us.

Even when it feels like in that battle, in the toughest times, in the darkest times of battle, it feels like he's a million plus miles away. He doesn't hear and he doesn't understand, or he's not going to do anything about it. That's what your enemy truly wants you to believe. But what God wants us to believe is that He is omnipotent, He is everywhere, He will never leave you, never forsake you, and He always causes you to triumph.

That is His ultimate goal for you. His ultimate goal for you in everything in your life Is for you to have a triumphant victory. He wants you to have health and healing in your body He wants you to have a sound mind. He wants you to be blessed. He even says in his word He doesn't want you to lack in anything.

He doesn't want you to lack in anything If there's lack in your life, you know where that comes from it comes from your enemy So hold on to the word of god things are going to start shaking Even more the same time that things are shaking Remember what God says right here is as encouragement. We're growing stronger.

He's perfecting our faith We have a sound mind.

We are holding the line while our enemies are retreating We are walking into a victory when they're walking into their defeat and a shaking is happening to shake us loose

We have, we're in that right position. We have God on our side, and whom shall we be afraid of? What can man do to us when God is on our side? So we have the victory, we declare that victory, we believe in that victory, because God is our victory. He's, He is Jehovah Nissi, our banner and our victory. That's why on a daily basis, remind yourself that our Heavenly Father, He's your Father.

And He's also, Your victory. He's promised you that. Okay. That is the opening encouraging word. All right. And someone said in the chat this morning, I just want to give you guys a heads up. Somebody said like, Julie, you were spicy yesterday and you were fiery. And then somebody asked me if I drink a lot of coffee.

I want you, you know, I don't drink coffee before my morning live shows. I don't even eat before my morning live shows. I drink a shake and it has no caffeine in it because I don't even drink caffeine at all. I actually drink decaf coffee. So that energy yesterday. Was from God and that sauciness or the spiciness or the sarcasm and the joking that was God.

That was, I don't, again, I don't take things. I don't drink caffeine. So I just want you to know, I love the taste of coffee. So I drink it but after I get done with this and it's decaf So that was all god and god's energy. I just want to let you guys know that I I saw that in the chat and I I had a I had a laugh this morning I just want to tell you okay now let me go to this prophetic word This morning and I did tell you I I blame the sarcasm part of something about my husband too because he's very sarcastic All right.

Now Globalism is Collapsing. This is the title for this morning's prophetic word. I actually heard this word yesterday So, July 10th is when I heard this word. It's called globalism is Collapsing global globalism. I'll get it, right Globalism is collapsing their control over this world is being destroyed You For I, the Lord, am going to expose their reset even greater than I have in times past.

My children, an escalation has begun of explosive evidence coming out in the open. I Am bringing their world system to nothing. Bill Gates and the world leaders with him. Just wait to see how many people will begin to flood your airwaves of truth exposing their plans of death. Propaganda, brainwashing, and taking over the nations.

Governments, and all financial systems, corporations, and your healthcare. A monopoly of the world on a scale no one could imagine. I Am taking these giants in my lands, bringing them out in the open, and letting them think they had the power and authority to change these things. To not only expose them, but to destroy every one of them, and bringing them down to the ground, to nothing.

I will take down, or I will, I will, the take down, they have, sorry. I will take down their take over of my church. See, I'll get it right, I just have to slow down sometimes. I will take down their takeover of my church, my, my nation of Israel and my America. I will expose their mouthpieces all over the world.

I told you about the scripts. They have and the servers they have used I will show you who designed those servers who Is controlling them and putting the information on them to control the narrative in the media businesses governments financial systems sex trafficking stealing of elections Collapse of economies you name it.

They've had their hands in everything for complete destruction worldwide.

My children, they are not done destroying. They are not done trying their world control and takeover. They're not done trying to start wars or their own economic crash, release of viruses for another pandemic, that they want to bring mass hysteria and fear into the world and to stop the movement that's against them.

Well, they can't stop this movement because it's mine. They'll not have the wars they seek. They'll not have the collapse they so desire. They will not get the pandemic they have so elegantly designed. Every plan will backfire. Every plan will fall apart, and every plan will come to nothing. My hand is protecting my nations and my children, so get ready for a great shaking in the near future,

to eradicate these people from all over the world. Arise, my children, and call them down. Proclaim their fall and watch their foundations come to nothing. It's all coming to a climactic state. Unprecedented and unconventional; something the world has never seen. Prepare your hearts and your minds for what you are about to see.

And remember, it's not bigger than me, saith the Lord of hosts. Microsoft, great exposures are coming for you. What you have designed, what you have done as a company, things you have hidden from the public. I have infiltrators in your midst. You will never know it and who it is until it's too late for you to stop it.

A great fall of this company. Watch as the stocks crash. Watch as their narratives crumble. And watch. *They will fail!*

My children, the tech giants are coming down. The fall of many mega companies has begun. I will show you the real fish and the world elites behind these companies controlling the markets. Your enemy's Ponzi scheme is crashing with no way to recover.

Vanguard and BlackRock will be in your news for a significant reason. Watch how fast truth will begin to pour out on the ones trying to control the world.

Watch as social media platforms will begin to be exposed, and their cover, or their control over truth and free speech will be brought down. Whistleblowers are coming to destroy these giants who are in, who are controlled by the elites, to take out the nations, and to bring in globalism. I told you my children,

it's *not that time* for globalists. I told you my children, it's not that time for globalists. A great fall is coming. Major social media companies and who controls them will be, will drastically change from the hands of the globalists to the hands of my people. I, the Lord, will choose. Not them. My hand is moving quicker against the elites and these globalists.

They are coming down faster than you think! Hold on because the removals are coming on a grand scale for you to take back your freedoms, saith the lord your Redeemer now. I also heard right before the live show yesterday and I did give some of this out yesterday If I want this the lord told me to read this again So I want to read this again for you before I go back over You This prophetic word and give you the scriptures

He's given me this morning. I also heard again same day, which was yesterday.... Do not fear what they *might* do to your elections. Stop talking about your enemies and what they want to do. Trust in my hands to free your land. I'm the one who will bring back the rightful president in unprecedented and unconventional ways! Watch you will see a mighty victory,

O United States! You will see it could only have been done by me sayeth the Lord. God wants to remind us that what we are about to see could only be done by God Almighty Again, people are putting their trust in man. They're putting their trust in Man's design, which are elections in like in our country.

You know, the reason why we have an open border is for what? 16 to 20 million people that are brand new in this country, including terrorists. will be freely to vote. That is their design. Because they know enough of the American citizens have turned against them, so now they gotta bring people in from other nations and pay them to vote in the side of the left.

But, one of the things that God is saying, an election will not save our country. Because God is going to do that. God is saving our nation. And remember he said, we don't need an election. We need a political reset, something that will literally stop everything and remove everyone like he's been talking about in order to bring the people that he wants in state level And federal level, every single position, a complete reset.

That's God. You say, Julie, that's impossible. Well, great! Because God's a God whom nothing is impossible. And when we're in an impossible situation, we need, like, an economic reset because of the stuff that they're doing with our economy. You need a political reset because of what they've done to destroy our government.

You need a medical also reset because of what they've done in the medical industry against our bodies. You need a complete reset of what they've done with our soil, with our food, with our water, with our air. We need something that will totally be bigger than these people are. And the only thing that is bigger than that is God.

They have made a mess out of everything, but it's not too messy for God to fix. They try to bring so much hopelessness and despair. So you would think that we're in a situation that there's no way to turn back from it, that there's no hope at the end of this situation. But there is, because God is our hope.

And I told you before, when people keep giving you doom and gloom, doom and gloom, doom and gloom, but where is God in their doom and gloom? If there's Christians, ask them one thing. If you think that there's doom and gloom, then why does God say in His Word in 2 Corinthians 2:14, that He always caused us to triumph?

He also says in His Word in Deuteronomy 28, that we are the head, not the tail, the above only, not the beneath. Why does he say in Galatians 3. 13 that we are redeemed from the curse? Why does he say also in Colossians 1. 13 that he has delivers delivered us out of the darkness? You know what? That one. I just want to read that one.

He's prompted me to read that, so I'm going to. Colossians 1. This is where you tell people it's dark, it's doom and gloom, there's no hope, it's all despair. This is a scripture. Quote it. Give it to them. Speak it to them. Because you know what? They need those blinders removed, and they need hope put back in their heart.

Don't get mad at somebody. They just, God said in his word in Hosea 4, 6, God's people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. They don't have the knowledge apparently of these scriptures. Colossians 1, 13, The Father has delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of a son of his love.

We have been drawn out of this darkness. But I know people, I have talked to people in this ministry, I've talked to people with family, I've talked to friends, I see something in the chat, and I see people that are going through the darkest times, well this is your scripture right now. God's drawing you out of that darkness of the world, and out of that control and dominion of it.

He separated us. Okay,

John, go to John 17. Here's another scripture. People are panicking because they're so, this is not even the scriptures I even had for today. This is just, but this is what he wants you to hear. Somebody, or many people need to hear this. John 17, because, and another thing that God's saying to us. Remember, things are not how they appear to be, and things are going to violently shake.

And you have to remind yourself that God has drawn you out of that darkness, out of the control and dominion of this earth. And he also says here, this is what Jesus was praying, one of his last prayers, before he went to the cross. This is what he said for us, and he wanted us to hear it. John 17 verse 13 and now I'm coming to you I say these things while I'm still in the world so that my joy may be made full and complete and perfect Perfect in them they may have experienced my delight fulfilled in them that my enjoyment may be perfected in their own souls That they may have gladness within them filling their hearts.

Why did Jesus come upon this earth? He gave, he came on this earth to not only to give the word of God, the revelation from God, to show people the love of Almighty God, but also destroy the power of the enemy that's been against you. And that was against this earth. He destroyed the curse. Is the curse still on this earth?

Yes. But Jesus destroyed its ability to harm you. We're redeemed from it. You say, Julie, there's things that are going on in my life. Look at yourself and say, what have I been believing? And what have I been saying? Because that's how the enemy tricks you in to the curse. He tricks you into receiving it or believing it.

That's where we have to have that revelation knowledge from God. And again, when people say God doesn't talk every day, Yes, He does. Yes, He does. He talks to His people every single day. It's whether they choose to listen or not. Now, every one of you may not get prophecies all the time, but I know God is speaking to you every single day because He loves you and He wants you to know His love.

He wants you to know the truth to set you free. All we had to do, people say, well, how do you, how do you do what you do? I sit quietly before him. I have a pen and a paper pencil. I mean, and a pen and I just sit here and I just listen because I know he's talking. I know he wants. You to hear things. I know he wants for him to say, he wants to say things for me, to me, in my own life, and what to do about certain things, and he has.

But too many of the things that are going on around the world, people always got the TV on, they always have, you know, their phone, they have this going on, they have this going on, they have this going on. Satan keeps people busy.

And people just don't have time to sit like they used to and that's when God's saying to us right now We have to make time for him sit and listen again I get persecuted about this one almost one of the most things i've ever got persecuted about is for prophesying all the time

This is what god's people needed to hear This very day in this very hour the enemies are shouting the enemies have their propaganda the enemies have their narrative The enemies are speaking given an evil report You know and should know that God would given a good report every single day to destroy that Evil report and so and for God's people to believe it and receive it God is always speaking and so is our adversary, but he wants to not only to speak and give these prophetic words You But he wants you to agree with them.

And I hear so many say, people say that they print these out and they read them, declare them. Exactly. That's why we have the decrees and declarations on the website. Go to our website at jgminternational. org under our blog post, under our, also our, the prophecies and teachings. This is for you to have that tool.

So when there's things going on in your life, you're gonna look back, see what God said, and start agreeing with God and what God says. JGMINTERNATIONAL. ORG And of course, there's scriptures to back all of that up, because the Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. It is your weapon that you need to fight this good fight of faith.

So I'm gonna keep reading with John 17 verse 14. I've given and delivered to them your word or your message. And the world has hated them, because they are not of this world, do not belong to this world, just as I Am not of this world. Jesus words, not mine. He said they are not of this world, They don't belong to this world, just as I Am not of this world.

And then he goes on to say, verse 15,

I have not asked you that you take them out of this world, but that you keep and protect them from the evil one. Verse 16, They are not of the world, worldly belonging to the world, just as I Am not of this world. He said it twice. You think Jesus had to say that twice? He wants to get his people's attention.

We're not of the world just as Jesus isn't and wasn't. He wasn't affected by the curse. He was tempted and on all sides. Satan tried to get him and couldn't. But how are we separated from the world? How are we in this world, but not belonging to it? Or not receiving what the world receives? Not going the same direction of the world?

He gives you the answer. Verse 17. Sanctify them, purify, consecrate, separate them for yourself, make them holy by the truth, Your word is truth. How are we separated from the world, the world system, all the things that are going on in the world? We are separated by the renewing of our mind, which talks about that in Romans 12.

1 and 2 is by we're not being conformed by this world, by the renewal of our mind. Of our mind and right here in john 17 17 says we are sanctified or we are Separated from the world world by god's word That's why it's so important for you to know the word of god So it separates you from that curse so it separates you from that doom and gloom So it separates you from that despair and fear and hopelessness So it has no control over you.

And people say, Julie, please, please pray that I have more faith. No, I can't do that. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word. Romans 10 17. If you need more faith, faith comes by hearing the Word. So if you need to trust God more and have more faith in him, you need to get in his word. That's the only way it comes.

It does not come by prayer.

People pray for patience. They pray for patience. I will tell you, if you pray for patience, you'll have every opportunity to be patient. You'll have every opportunity to be patient. You will be put in situations where you're just like, how long is this going to take? Lord, I don't understand. Well, you wanted patience.

So he's training you in patience. I mean, I've asked him to help me with patience. I said, Oh, Lord. Okay. Thank you. That I, I thank you that you helped me with being patient in the situation. I thank you that you're making me stronger through it. I thank you no matter what's going on that I had the victory in the end.

So our enemy is going to give us every opportunity to not renew our mind. He's going to make your life busy. He's to make your schedule just so jam packed. Or again, with people, when they come home from work, they don't want to pray. They don't want to read the Bible. They want to just chill out and watch TV.

Well, God is telling us right now. He's been telling us for a while. We have to turn off our phones. We have to turn off our TVs. Not the fact that we can never watch them. Just make sure that, spend time with him. Give him an hour a day, at least. Spend time with him in the morning. Spend time with him right before you go to bed.

That's why I love the fact that, I mean, for us, because we start this early in the morning, but I know some people, it's like the end of their day. Like if you're in australia, I think in australia, it's like it's like I don't know what time at night it is I know it's at night time. They're complete like 12 hours or something apart from us.

I think or more So I don't there's people in australia. I know that's in the chat So you guys can tell me it's seven o'clock in the morning here You guys can tell me and what time you're at in time zone in that area But again god wants us to renew our mind in the morning, but he also wants us To think the last it's 10 10 p.

m. Okay, so you're more than 12 hours Ahead. So again, if you think about this for a minute right now, they're watching at 10 o'clock at night So they're watching right before they go to bed. Some of you are watching right before you go into work Because it's early, early morning here. And I think if you're in California, you're two hours behind us.

So it's only five 11 in the morning, but you're starting your day and you're ending your day with the word of God, depending on where you're at around the world, we're supposed to start our day and end the day with the word of God. We renew our minds before we go into work. And then before we go to bed, we need to, we need to get rid of all the things that are going on throughout the day.

Spend time with God. I'm telling you, it's so much better. Like I go upstairs like an hour, hour and a half before I really, truly go to or try to go to sleep anyway, just so I can spend time with the Lord because you give out all day long. And you know, the cares and the worries of the world. And then you have all these different situations, but then you're spending time with him again right before you go to bed.

It's the best decision you can ever make. I turn on the Word of God every night. I listen to the Word of God all the night long. If it turns off, it wakes me up and I turn it back on again. It's important to feed your spirit man all the time. That's how you get strengthened. Now, I want to give you guys another one because again, there's a lot of people talking about doom and gloom right now.

Here's another scripture that I've been reading to you a lot lately again, John 16 33. Here's another one. For those naysayers. Give this to them. Not to sit there and, you know, shove it in their face and go na na na na na. You know, it's, no, it's, you know what? I know you think that way, but this is what the Word of God says.

Give them hope. Give them encouragement. John 16 33. I have told you these things that in me You may have perfect peace and confidence in the world. You have tribulation trials distress and frustration That's where a lot of people are at right now It says but be a good share take courage be confident certain undaunted for I have overcome the world I've deprived it of its power to harm you and I've conquered it for you and then right below this scripture in my Bible I have written failure and defeat are not in my future I heard that from one of my favorite teachers in the entire world.

He's not, he's not here on this earth anymore, which I'm very, very sad about, but I still listen to him all the time. That was Jerry Savelle. He was one of the best teachers. I loved hearing him. He was easy to understand. And that's where a lot of the revelations that I have received came from his teachings.

He was an amazing teacher. And I'll tell ya, I wrote that down. He had amazing teaching. It was, we were called to battle, and we are destined to win. And he went in this scripture, John 16, 33, in that teaching. We are called to battle. We are destined to win. When I was going through the fight of my life, whether almost dying physically or by suicide, this is one of the things in one of the scriptures that I would go to over and over and over again.

And that teaching that I would go to over and over and over again. We are called to battle, but we are destined to win. We are called into a battle. We're not called into a battle to lose. Because God is our victory and that's why he says in his word fight the good fight of faith Well, the good fight is a fight that you win.

It's not a fight you lose you fight you win it because you fought it you fought it because You fought it and you trusted in Him. You trusted in God despite what you were going through. And I want to be very careful of time here. But I have a couple of scriptures more that I want to go over really quick before we go back over this word.

Go to, again, go to Psalms. If you are discouraged today, I want to encourage you. So if you're discouraged, I would encourage you to study in the book of Psalms. Psalms is such revelation, you know, because that's where David, David wrote so many psalms or songs regarding his relationship with God. And David went through a lot of hell.

He truly did. But he had faith in God. And when he was losing that hope and losing that faith, he would have to recount, tell aloud, all the things that God had done from the past to remind himself not to get in that hopelessness and despair.

To remind ourselves how good God is. That's why we need to get in the Bible to see how truly good God is. And so that's the reason why we don't lose hope and don't get in despair.

Alright, Psalms 3. Psalms 3 in verse 1 says, Lord, How they have increased to trouble me. Many are those who rise up against me. Look at how he starts out Psalms 3 verse 1. Lord, how they have increased to trouble me. I mean, I've been, I could have said that many different times in the last few years. You do feel that way.

You do feel the more you press into God sometimes, the more you're being persecuted or the more you're having attacks. Well, it's because it's true. Because the enemy's trying to stop you. It says many are those who rise up against me. Verse 2. Many are saying of me, there is no help for him in God. Many are saying to him, discouraging him, saying, there's no help for you.

God's not big enough to fix this. Verse three. It doesn't matter what people say if that guy wouldn't help him. He didn't listen to those evil reports. Verse three. But you, Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and a lifter of my head. So again, you think about, I know there's a song that has that script, that has the scriptures in it.

And I love that song. And it says, four, verse four, With my voice I cry to the Lord, and He hears and answers me out of His holy hill. And it says Selah, if you ever see that word Selah, S E L A H, that means stop and think about it. Don't just read over these scriptures very, very quickly. There's a couple of scriptures here where it says Selah, stop, calmly think about it, go back and ask God for the revelation, because there's revelation in these scriptures where God is saying stop and look at, look at this, calmly think about it.

He'll give you revelation right there. Verse five, I lay down to sleep. And I'm awakened again for the Lord sustains me verse 6 I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves up around against me around about So it doesn't matter how many of the enemies are against them. He's saying Lord.

I I Am gonna shut down shout I'm gonna sit there and praise. I'm gonna sit there and worship you and thank you No matter is ten thousands people all around me. I know father God you sustained me That's what the body of Christ this should be our motto this should be something Where we sit there and think about, Lord, we don't care how many governments are against us.

We don't care what the world elites are doing. We don't care what these things are doing. Because Father God, even though 10, 000 people surround me, we thank you a thousand may fall at one side and 10, 000 at another, but it shall not come near me. That's in Psalm 91. Read Psalm 91 if you're discouraged.

It's a great chapter in the Bible. Let's keep going. Verse six, I'll not be afraid of 10, 000 of the people who have set themselves against me Verse 7, Arise, O Lord, save me, O my God, for you have struck all my enemies on their cheek. You have broken the teeth of the ungodly. He knew that God fought for him.

He knew that God destroyed the power of the enemies that were against him. But he still had to remind himself because he got in times of hopelessness and despair. It's like a lot of Christians can be right now because the battle is long. His battles were long too. David's were too. And so he had to remind himself.

That's why Psalms is so important to get in. Verse 8. Salvation belongs to the Lord. May your blessings be upon your people. See blah. Remember blessing. Blessing when people say, you know, God bless you when you sneeze. It's more than just that the blessing is an empowerment for you to prosper for you to succeed For you to excel and for you to rise above Everything that would try to keep you back and to hold you down.

The blessing is an empowerment So when God blessed his people you can see that in Genesis 1 where he blessed Adam and Eve That wasn't it. He was giving them an empowerment and of course they lost it, but Jesus got it back.

Let's let's go on Go to Psalm 18. I'm still watching my time here. Psalm 18 and verse 3. Psalm 18 and verse 3. I will call upon the Lord, who will be praised, so I shall be saved from my enemies. Again, I will call upon the Lord, who will be praised, So shall I be saved from my enemies. God is declaring to you that you will be saved from your enemies Especially if you're looking and trusting to him.

He will save you from your enemies. Let's go to verse 17, Psalm 18 verse 17. He delivered me from my strong enemy Those who hated and adorned me for those who were too strong for me So even when there were people that were too strong for David God was saying doesn't matter They were too strong for me.

You saved me you deliver me from that strong enemy verse 18 They confronted and came upon me in the day of it my calamity But the Lord was my stay and my support We had to remind ourselves of these scriptures on a daily basis Basis psalm 18 verse 48 who delivers me from my enemies. Yes, you lift me up above Those who rise up against me who delivers me from my enemies God does and promises to deliver you from your enemies.

He lifts us up above those Who rise up against you. You see why your adversary does not want people in the Word of God. You see why the enemy doesn't want you listening. Because you're finding out the truth. And that truth is setting you free. And I've seen a change in so many of you. You're becoming extraordinary warriors in the body of Christ.

You know how to pray. You know how to stand. You're knowing the authority that God is giving to you. That's what Satan was trying to keep from you. But it didn't work. Let's go back over this prophetic word again. Okay, he's got more scriptures, but I don't, that I wrote down this morning, but maybe this will just finish me.

I don't know if I'll get over or not, but if not, it'll be another day. Okay, globalism is collapsing. Their control over this world is being destroyed. For I, the Lord, am going to expose their reset even greater than I have in times past. My children, escalation has begun of explosive evidence coming out in the open.

I Am bringing their world system to nothing. Now think about this, just these few sentences alone. Globalism is collapsing. It's not that time. It is time for the body of Christ. It's time for the church to arise. It's time for God's glory. It's time for God's revival, and it's time for God to be vindicated.

For the people to start seeing him how he is, and not how he has been portrayed.

Then he says, I'm bringing their world system to nothing. Then he specifically mentions Bill Gates. And the world leaders with him, just wait to see how many people begin to flood your airwaves of truth, exposing their plans of death, propaganda, brainwashing, and taking over of nations, governments, and all financial systems, corporations, and healthcare.

The globalists took over everything. Globally, that's why they're called globalists.

It's not that time. It's not that time. This is a foreshadowing of it. All right, because of the Great Tribulation, it'll be way worse than what we've experienced. Okay, now the second paragraph says, A monopoly of the world on a scale no one could imagine. Like the globalists have had this world, and everyone in it, and like they're playing a board game.

They're controlling it all. They're making all the moves behind the scenes. That's what God's saying. I Am taking these giants in my lands. This is not the first time he's said this. I'm bringing them out in the open and letting them think they had the power and authority to change things. God has said in different prophetic words that he's allowed his enemies to come out in the open.

To let them think they had their power and the ability to do the things that they want to do, but they don't. Again, why do you think he had to allow 2020 for this very moment in time how we're seeing them fall apart? They're being exposed on a daily basis. It wasn't for our destruction. 2020 was not for our destruction.

It was for theirs. People cried out to God and said, God, why did this happen? Why did this happen? I don't understand. They're getting away with everything they want. That's what they think. And He allowed them to think that. When did God ever allow the enemy to have the upper hand?

When did He ever allow the The enemy to ever win. He didn't. Now, sometimes as people were in judgment because they chose kings and they chose the worldly things over God, they put themselves there. God didn't. So we have things that are going on and God's saying right here, I'm letting them out in the open to think they have the power and authority to change these things when they don't.

Not only to expose them, but to destroy every one of them and bringing them down to the ground into nothing.

Just like he did with Goliath. Just like he did with Pharaoh. You know Just like he did with the other kings that were against his people.

You know, again, some people think that this is not God. God doesn't talk that way. Go read the Bible. Yes, he does. He's always destroyed the enemy that's been against his people or against him. God's a good God. Yes, he is. But God's a God of justice too. All right. Now, next paragraph. I will take down their takeover of my church.

They try to infiltrate and take down the body of Christ. They weaken the body of Christ. They divided the body of Christ. They put in man made doctrines that were not what God wanted for his people. They want anything that what his word says, and they twisted that word, and people believed it, and it suppressed the power of Almighty God.

Just like, look what the, again, I have to go back to that. Look at the Sadducees and the Pharisees. They took God's law, and when Jesus was trying to explain it to them, they just shoot it away. They believed their thought patterns were wrong. And what their tradition was more than the son of God. And people are doing that today.

There's been a takeover of the church until we realize that and call this takeover down. We have to realize that as If they're going to infiltrate our government, you don't think they're going to infiltrate the church. Satan knows the power of the church. He knows the power of prayer. He knows the power of you as a child of the Most High God, knowing your authority and speaking the words of God.

Just like when Jesus said, when Satan was trying to tempt him, it is written. He can't fight against a written word of God and win. So he doesn't want you knowing it. So then what he did, he got in these religious scholars, and religious tradition, you know, and all this kind of things in the body of Christ, and then he warped it.

Just like he did in the Garden of Eden. There's nothing new under the sun. Why do you think people say, well, miracles aren't for today? I seriously can't hear people saying that. Miracles and healing are not for today. So God's not for today? God's Jehovah Rapha. He's healer. He's the God of miracles. So you're saying that God is not for today?

That's what they're saying. They don't understand that they're saying that. Well, they say it's not for today, but why is it saying in God's word that he's the same yesterday, today, and forever? Do you see how religion doesn't make sense? It

just doesn't. Religion doesn't make sense. Are you a religious person? I'm a Christian. I'm, I'm a Christ follower. Am I religious? I just have a relationship with God. I don't call myself religious. I call myself that I have a relationship with Almighty God. I'm a child of Almighty God.

Now, because again, you can, people can be religious and be way off and not on the same page as God is on at all. I will take down their takeover of my church, my nation of Israel, and America. That's why you gotta keep praying for the peace of Jerusalem. That's another thing that Christians are divided on.

Hate the Jews because they killed Jesus.

Okay, we supposed to hate anybody. They're still God's chosen people Whether they've received Jesus totally or not, there are messianic jews. We're supposed to be one with them We're supposed to be praying for them They're his chosen people, but we are also his chosen people because we chose him. He chose them We chose him.

We're not supposed to be against Israel, no matter what the news media says about him. They're lying. They're lying. They're lying. And every nation, it just, it boggles my mind sometimes when Israel was defending themselves from terrorists and mass murderers. But then they are betrayed on the news as terrorists.

So you don't think if we had something in our country and we wanted to defend ourselves from a terrorist, Now all of a sudden we are backwards thinking again. God said in the last days evil will be trade as good and good as evil

So he's taking down to take over my church my nation of Israel and America I will expose their mouthpieces all over the world. They do they have Propagandists they have mouthpieces all over the world giving their narrative We said we know the news media is one of them. That's another arm of the one world government You know the establishment here in this country But they're all over the place.

I told you about the scripts. Because they're given scripts, they're given things to say. They have the servers. They have used. So, God says he has the scripts. He has the servers. They're using. I will show you who designed those servers. So now I was going to tell you who the big fish are and who the ones who designed this stuff.

He said, remember the architects and the blueprints.

Then he says, and who's controlling it? Who's controlling them and putting the information on them? We're putting information, who's controlling it, the servers, and then who's putting the information on them? He's gonna show you the architects of the servers. What do the servers have on them? To control the narrative of the news media, The businesses, governments, financial systems.

This is another sick sex trafficking.

Again, it goes way beyond Epstein, the ceiling of elections, collapse of economies, you name it. They had their hands on everything for complete destruction worldwide. And they were using these secret servers that God's been talking about for quite some time. Now they have servers. They have secret, you know, email and databases and all this kind of stuff that are under the radar.

Well, there are they were on God's radar and God knows about it. My children. They are not done destroying Who's not done destroying what? Our enemies or the globalists are not done trying to destroy the world

They're not done trying their world control and takeover They're not done trying to start wars or their own economic crash release of viruses for another pandemic He's telling you their playbook.

They want to bring mass hysteria and fear into the world You To stop the movement against them. Well, they can't stop this movement because it's mine. God's saying they're going to try these things. Even though they're going to try these things, they're going to fail. They're not going to succeed. But we have to be aware what they're trying to do.

They will not have their wars they seek. So again, God is telling us, they're not going to have this stuff. You're going to see them try to do things because they're But God wants to remind you they're not gonna get these things. That means that you're not in fear and panic. They will not have their collapse they so desire.

They will not get the pandemic they so elegantly designed. Every plan will backfire, every plan will fall apart, and every plan will come to nothing. So do you see? He's telling you this is all the stuff that they did, all the ways they try to do things to destroy this earth or destroy this country. And God's telling you, point blank, it's not going to work.

Who are we going to believe? Are we going to believe God? Or are we going to believe the enemies? Then he goes on to say, My hand is protecting my nations and my children, so get ready for a great shaking in the near future to eradicate these people from all over the world. God is removing, God is destroying, God is the one who is judging.

It even says in Haggai 2 in verse 22, I know I've read this many times before, go read it. Go read Proverbs! 3310, or sorry, Psalms, Psalms 3310. Read these things and remind yourselves of these scriptures when the enemies are trying to do everything, but then say, but God's Word says, it is written, like in Psalm 3310, that he brings a council of the nations to nothing and their plans of no effect.

Their plans are going to come to nothing. He brings the council of the nations. You can say globalism.

I know they hate hearing that. I'm just saying they do. I know they do. It doesn't matter. All right. Arise my children and call them down, proclaim their fall and watch their foundations come to nothing. Again, just remind you of the wall of Jericho. Just think of the wall of Jericho. That looked like it was undefeatable.

You couldn't get through it. You couldn't defeat them. It was impenetrable. Nah, I forgot. It's all coming to a climactic state, unprecedented, unconventional, something the world has never seen. Prepare your hearts, your minds for what you are about to see, and remember, it's not bigger than me. So prepare your hearts for what you're about to see, and remember, it's not bigger than me.

That's a massive phrase. Or statement, I mean. Or sentence, whatever. Again, I'm not an English scholar. Massive sentence. And phrase he's talking about. He wants you to understand and know. Prepare your hearts and your minds. This is a marching order. And what you're about to see, remember it's not bigger than me.

And then he dives into Microsoft. I don't think this is the first time he's actually brought Microsoft up. I'd actually have to go back and look at that. But I'm almost positive he did say something before about Microsoft. I don't, I don't remember. Microsoft, great exposures are coming for you. What you've designed, what you've done as a company, things you have hidden from the public, I have infiltrated infiltrators in your midst.

Remember God says he's infiltrated the infiltrators where he's infiltrated Microsoft apparently. You will never know who it is until it's too late for you to stop it. So even if they're listening right now, and they know that they have infiltrators and they try to figure it out, God's saying you're not gonna figure it out.

Because you won't be able to stop the, you won't be able to stop them because you're not gonna be able to stop me. God is shielding those infiltrators and shielding those whistleblowers so they will not be able to be harmed by the enemy.

A great fall of this company. Watch something massive Take place against Microsoft. It is not a company that is too big to fail. Watch as the stocks crash, watch their narrative crumble, and what they stand for, fail. What they stand for, globalism, control, world dominating, and whatever. What they stand for, they are going to fail.

It's going to bring them down. I know, like, I, I hate to say this, you know, I'm from the Quad Cities. And John Deere is massive in this area. I mean, massive. This is where their headquarters are. And apparently they went woke. Which is sad to say. Never thought in a million years John Deere would go woke. But guess who is the biggest shareholder of John Deere?

You'll never guess a man's name. Bill Gates. You wanna know why these companies are going woke? Cause they're told to. It's not gonna go, it's not gonna go very well for them. Unfortunately, I know people who work there.

And I just pray that they won't be affected by it. Alright, now. My children, the tech giants are coming down. The fall of many mega companies has begun. I would say that Microsoft is one of those mega companies. I will show you the real fish and the world elites behind these companies controlling the markets, your enemy's Ponzi scheme is crashing with no way to recover.

They've, they've controlled the world markets with their corporations and with these big huge mega companies. And then he mentions two of them. I don't know a lot about them. I'd have to probably dig into it. I have heard of them. But Vanguard and BlackRock will be in your news for a significant reason.

Watch how fast truth will begin to pour out on the ones trying to control the world. BlackRock and Vanguard. I'm almost positive if I'm right. It's been a long time since I've heard anything about either one of those companies. Seriously, I don't think about them. But I'm pretty sure there's like, I don't know.

There's another one and there's two somewhere, I think. I think there's three of them. And they dominate businesses and corporations worldwide. Dominate them. Like Pepsi and Coke. You think Pepsi and Coke? And they're like, you know, two competitors? Yeah, go look to see who really owns them. I'm almost positive that Pepsi Cola is one of them.

I think it is. You guys can look it up and let me know.

Watch as social media platforms will be exposed and their control over truth and free speech will be brought down. Whistleblowers are coming to destroy these giants who are controlled by the elites to take out the nations and to bring in globalism. Social media, so somebody's saying something about Vanguard is, The 401k.

Clinton. I, see, I don't know. I don't know much about it. I know you guys can do your research. State Street. Yeah, that's another one. Yeah, you're right. It is State Street, I think, is the third one. Okay. See, you guys are awesome. Thank you. I knew you guys would help me. Because I don't know a lot about this stuff.

Okay. And yes, they are hurting farmers and we're going to pray for them. And again, we live in a farm community. I live in Iowa. There's crops and, you know, there's corn and beans everywhere. They're hurting farmers on purpose. Just like they did in all these other countries all around the world. They want to monopolize.

Look up who owns the most farm ground in the United States of America. Just look it up. Just Google it. I don't know, maybe Google hide it now. But I think it's Bill Gates and China own more of our farm ground now. I'm almost positive it's Bill Gates. Warren Buffett. Thank you, Chris. Warren Buffett. He got it for me.

But I know Bill Gates owns a lot of farm ground here too, but it's Warren Buffett. You have Bill Gates owns a ton of farm ground here in this nation. Why? Why? And then you have China. Why? No, they own it. So China owns up. Why would another foreign country own our farm ground? And then they also own confinements.

Think about, think about how we've been infiltrated. On a scale, I'm telling you, no one has ever seen, and God is, like, just, people just thought Washington, Washington, Washington, oh no, no, it's much bigger than that. It's on a globalist scale, and that's why he's tearing it apart, that's why he's revealing it to us, but we would not be able to, to receive all this shock information all at one time, that's why it's been a trickle so far.

But remember, he said it's about to be a downpour. Because we're ready to hear it. They says, whistleblowers are coming to destroy these giants who are controlled by the elites to take over the nation and bring down the globalism. Look what's gonna happen to Watch Google. I know they don't like me because Google owns YouTube and YouTube didn't like me and they took me down five times.

Because they don't like they don't like the truth. They don't like truth. Not only do they take me down from YouTube five times, they so if you're watching me on YouTube, that's not my channel. That's a pirated channel. I don't know if they're still on. I think we got them kicked off. I'm pretty sure we got their kicked live off.

I think they still pirate the videos, but they can't do live streaming anymore. But they took my emails, everything with it. Everything! They deleted my email, so I couldn't even use my emails anymore.

I'm telling you. These major mega platforms, these social media platforms, God is saying look he's gonna bring him these giants down. He said I told you my children It's not the time for the globalists a great fall is coming major social media companies who contro

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