Blackmail and Censorship: Jay Bhattacharya and Andrew Bridgen in Conversation

7 months ago

Professor Jay Bhattacharya is an infectious disease epiemiologist and economist from Stanford University who co-authored the Great Barrington Declaration ( in 2020. He was central to a scandal which broke after the Fauci emails were released, showing that Fauci's "boss", Francis Collins, called for a "public take down" of the Great Barrington Declaration, written by eminent infectious disease epidemiologists (Bhattacharya from Stanford, Martin Kulldorff from Harvard and Sunetra Gupta from Oxford), who Collins - a bureaucrat with a lot of power but limited academic success - referred to as "fringe epidemiologists". The "take down" came days later when a group of academics likely benefiting in some way, authored a response to the Great Barrington Declaration called the "John Snow Memo". A demonstration of the way that truth always wins, is that the GBD received almost one million signatures, despite being smeared and ridiculed, whilst the JSM received less than ten thousand signatures, despite a massive propaganda campaign declaring it to represent a "consensus".

Professor Bhattacharya has since joined forces with a number of other academics who were viciously censored, to challenge the US government in court over the unconstitutional censorship they enforced in partnership with media and social media, against anyone challenging their policies.

UK Politician Andrew Bridgen has a degree in microbiology. He was one of the only MPs with a science background in the House of Commons until the recent election when he suddenly lost support of many thousands of constituents in what appears as possible election fraud to remove him from office due to his refusal to stay quiet on the inhumane and anti-science policies being put into place. The UK is one of two countries in Europe who didn't offer the Covid injections to children as young as 6 months, which happened because of a speech given by Andrew Bridgen in parliament.

In this clip, Bhattacharya and Bridgen discuss these policies and the way those enforcing them only complied when they knew they were on camera. Bridgen describes the use of blackmail to convince politicians to toe the line. Were the many filmed events of politicians receiving injections as a way to promote their "safe and effective" propaganda, also lies? I have suspected so since the first time I saw a politician / celebrity roll up their sleeves.


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