(Pt2) ‘FirstNet’ Bombshell🔥 Govt Board Mmbrs, 2020, ButlerPA, and how much Control this Co has

7 months ago

(Pt2) ‘FirstNet’ Bombshell News 🔥
See who’s on the Board, the Actions taken during 2020, and see how much Control this Co actually has. These are the same DS Govt players and as of this moment, we’ve not found any Senate Discussion or Subpoenas. Yet.. What this researcher uncovered is concerning and it should be immediately Investigated by our Senate. There is almost too much to grasp though, so we’ve scrolled through pretty quickly. But the info and maps are here. American Citizens deserve Truth & Transparency and we must Save America 🇺🇸 #Trump #SenJoshHawley #AssassinationAttempt #Senate #FBI #SecretService #ElectionNews #Trump2024 #SaveAmerica #TrumpVance2024 #SenateHearing #CoverUp #Trumpster #TrumpsterNews #MAGA #MAGA🇺🇸 #trumpforpresident2024 #donaldtrump #saveamerica2024 #Trumpshooting #mayorkas #merrickgarland #impeachment

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