Marie Lataste's revelations and more, and Russia's ice...

2 months ago

Revelations of the mystic Marie Lataste.
Even before entering the religion, Maria Lataste was blessed with visions, especially during her visits to the Blessed Sacrament of the parish church, where she had frequent mystical encounters with Christ. On the orders of his spiritual director, Father Darbins, parish priest of Mimbaste, he wrote his memoirs. His locutions are reminiscent of the famous Dialogues of Saint Catherine of Siena, they are a series of revelations of which we have many testimonies established from his correspondence. They testify to a very exceptional spiritual fervor.
Fervent, both in the explanation of dogma and in morals, this originally illiterate peasant woman, by her piety, and her gift of writing rose to the height of extraordinary theological literature.
Marie Lataste was a French Roman Catholic nun and visionary. A peasant girl with minimal formal education, she wrote two lengthy volumes describing teachings which she said Jesus had revealed to her in a vision, and which were published after heavy editing by her spiritual advisor. Wikipedia
Born: February 21, 1822, Mimbaste, France
Died: May 10, 1847 (age

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