Episode 169: Thyroid Q & A #11 with Tara Quintana

5 months ago

Episode 169 is another Q&A session with Nurse Practitioner Tara Quintana.

Questions answered in this episode:
- What can be done to improve liver health?
- What is the relationship between chronic fatigue syndrome and thyroid physiology?
- How to identify and address inflammation?
- How to determine if a virus is causing a thyroid problem?
- And More...

If you have questions about thyroid health, these Q&A episodes may also answer them. If you have questions you want answered, you can submit them to office@rejuvagencenter.com using the subject line Thyroid Answers Podcast Questions.

Tara Quintana is a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner and licensed in Indiana. She completed her Master of Nursing Practice Degree at Purdue University Global, graduating with honors while working as an RN in Monroe and surrounding counties. She has ten years of experience as an RN, dedicated to providing personalized and compassionate care. Working in Women’s Health, Tara provided exceptional care, focusing on wellness and disease prevention. With the state of our national healthcare system and the incredible need for personalized medicine, Tara felt compelled to go back to school and study at The Institute of Functional Medicine. The rigorous program was very challenging and fueled Tara’s continued desire for evidence-based medicine, leading to the creation of The Functional Nurse Practitioner Podcast. Tara spent countless hours studying root cause medicine and was certified as a functional medicine practitioner through IFM. https://thefunctionalnursepractitioner.com/

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