174hz Water Meditation & Ohm by Kenshō Meditation & Sound Bath. Open Chakras, Restore Energy, Balance, Peace, Zen

7 months ago

174hz Water Meditation & Ohm by Kenshō Meditation & Sound Bath. Open Chakras, Restore Energy, Balance, Peace, Zen.

Enjoy the calming, meditative Ohm Chants of this Kenshō 174hz Water Meditation and Ohm (Aum, Om) Sound Bath as you slow and focus your breathing and allow Source to aid in realigning your Chakras. This meditation is wonderful for when you need a recharge. Solfeggio 174hz Frequency is the most calming of all frequencies with many benefits. Ohm Chants and the gentle deep frequency sounds combined allow the reconnection to our inner selves and to Gaia in all her Healing Energies. We often recommend wearing headphones with our presentations for a deeper Meditation.

Comments are disabled on all presentations to preserve our space as a place of solace for your relaxation and connection to Gaia. Namaste. Namo Himalaya

#Meditation #SoundBath #Water #Calm #Nature #Relax #Breath #Focus #Cleanse #Kensho #Waterfountain #Breathing #Peace #Peaceful #TibetanBowl #Gaia #Zen #Beach #Sand #Ocean #Sea #Sunset #Om #Clouds #Sky #Sunrise #MotherEarth #Chakra #Energycenter #Frequency #Calming #Soothing #Meditative #Namaste #Namohimalaya #Heal #Healing #HZ #Solfeggio #Yoga #Thirdeye #New

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