This what i wrote the kooky lady stellaroseallday 8/2/24

7 months ago

Stellaroseallday stella rose isn't doing to well saw video upload she rocking her sit and back forth lying 🤥 to herself to Aaron carter fans there she like she deluded delusional going crazy and crazy ever before she lost sight of her herself and her health getting scary by the day she sort some mental illness am her doctor but can tell she rocking her sit back amd forth Aaron carter deaths is getting to her all deaths threats are coming swing by she a sad person at homeless house living a dog that can't contained she suffered declined mental health mental illness she keep these she going brain 🧠 aneurysm which her back like bride of chucky said she obese obesity no one seems check on these lady she probably died of broken heart not even family she taking of her she 50 years old man going crazy spewing nonsense on Aaron carter this lead certain problems her health i think Aaron carter deaths is getting to her really she almost self destruction herself over edge she think her reality mind she thinks will be justice of Aaron carter am worry about this woman she ain't right in the head she suffering joe biden suffering she going realized smack reality more she goes lives more she goes crazy everything works on failed cuased there no justice Aaron carter cuased he died his owned not one murder in her wrapped mind she think so but doesn't know reality i think she out touched out of reality something bad might happen to her only knows why witnessed protection program send in her for is not looking fir stellaroseallday at all she a tipping point she cannot wins battles she knows better than this there powerful forces at work here worry she might in up in federal prison lawsuits suing or end looney bin she might end up dead no am not wishing deaths upon her but things looking well for her i think internet is getting to her i think social media but heart panicking is good for health is getting worst and worst for her is unhealthy what's she doing not good look for her she might end dead she keeps going this route is bad road this why people died when Aaron carter was dead people died covered truth this why don't do want be part if Aaron carter she doing to herself much worse than expected it this reality she in a fantasy and it won't end badly for her guaranteed pray for Mrs stellaroseallday

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