Chakra 396hz Water Meditation by Kenshō Meditation & Sound Bath. Inner Peace, Positive Energy, Heal, Peace, Clarity, Zen

7 months ago

Chakra 396hz Water Meditation by Kenshō Meditation & Sound Bath. Inner Peace, Positive Energy, Heal, Peace, Clarity, Zen. Meditate, breathe, quiet the mind and you will find inner peace with our elegant and calming Kenshō Chakra 396hz Water Meditation & Sound Bath. Solfeggio 396hz Frequency is well known for Root Chakra and Lower Back Pain Healing, and the Release of Guilt. In this Era of Awareness, many of us are choosing to spend more of our time reconnecting to Gaia (Mother Earth), listening to our Spirit Guides and our Higher Selves, and in doing so we naturally crave more of Gaia’s beautiful positive Energy, Healing and Love. Gaia, being the Master Healer, freely provides these to us all.

Comments are disabled on all presentations to preserve our space as a place of solace for your relaxation and connection to Gaia. Namaste. Namo Himalaya

#Meditation #SoundBath #Water #Calm #Nature #Relax #Breath #Focus #Cleanse #Kensho #Waterfountain #Breathing #Peace #Peaceful #TibetanBowl #Gaia #Zen #Beach #Sand #Ocean #Sea #Sunset #Om #Clouds #Sky #Sunrise #MotherEarth #Chakra #Energycenter #Frequency #Calming #Soothing #Meditative #Namaste #Namohimalaya #Heal #Healing #HZ #Solfeggio #Yoga #Thirdeye #New

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