The Disrespect Of The Paris Opening Ceremony 2024

6 months ago

The Paris Olympics 2024 started last Friday with the Opening Ceremony, and it was even worse than what we could've imagined. The parade along the gross Seine river, still full of E. coli on tests performed a week before. Bringing unnecessary ideology to the forefront, chock-full of woke elements and an incredibly disrespectful representation of The Last Supper.
They portrayed Jesus as an obese, 'queer', jewish lesbian (self-described). They swapped apostles for drag queens.

It is not only the Christian and Catholic communities that were disturbed by Thomas Jolly's opening ceremony, it was ANYBODY with eyes that was inadvertently exposed to the depravity that currently dominates the 'arts'.

The IOC (International Olympic Committee) decided to ban a true representation of Christ The Redeemer from Brazilian surfer João Chianca's surfboard because it 'does not allow religious symbols', but allowed a Palestinian boxer to wear a shirt depicting the Oct. 7th attack on Israel.

Overall, it seems like the opening ceremony at the Paris Olympic Games in 2024 may have opened a few more eyes to the realities of what The West has allowed to dominate its 'culture'.

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