Does multiverse really exist? | Five theories of the multiverse

6 months ago

Does multiverse really exist? Five theories of the multiverse

Have you ever imagined that there is another universe out there, where there is another version of yourself living there? Or have you ever imagined traveling through infinite parallel worlds to meet other versions of yourself? Such a thing is possible if you believe in the multiverse. So what exactly is the multiverse? multiverse is a concept in physics and cosmology that describes the possibility of multiple universes or parallel realities that exist beyond the universe we know. In the context of physics and cosmology, the multiverse is a hypothesis or theory developed to explain some of the unanswered questions in our understanding of the universe. The multiverse concept emerged as a result of our understanding of cosmology, quantum mechanics and other theories. There are several theory covering the various types of possible universes. Let's explain in detail some of these theory.


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