🔵⚡️Medial & Political Slander - Press Conference on 2nd August 2024

7 months ago

To all fearless journalists

We present to you a new opportunity for you to demonstrate that hope for true journalism in Germany is not completely lost just yet.

With the mainstream media having failed to cover our first press conference with the title ‚Target: Children and Healthy Attachment‘, whilst even indulging in ample prejudgement, it is now time to finally side with those who are intent on exposing the underlying reasons for such journalistic misdemeanour.

The topic of our next press conference is the ‚Politically Motivated Persecution of Uncoverers of Scandals and of Whistleblowers’, a sad development in which the mainstream media have played a major role in recent years. Legal people, psychologists, and journalists are now going to address the underlying methods behind this, namely

… NETWORKING (between media & investigators, & and even courts of law)

explaining the intended division between people, as well as demonstrating evidence for unlawful practices undertaken by District Attorneys as well as the media.

‚Reichsbürger‘, ‚conspiracy theorists‘, ‚Covidiots‘, ‚enemy of state‘, ‚terrorist‘, etc. are journalistically unacceptable terms, particularly without any wrong-doing having been established by any court of law. By recklessly using such terms, the media have squandered their original purpose of being the ‚fourth control‘ for the people within a state.

Eine Übertragung vom Team KlardenkenTV.

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