XIII Playthrough (GameCube) - Brighton Beach

6 months ago

[Note: This video and description were originally posted on Youtube on August 13, 2019.]

This is part 1 of my capture of me playing through XIII for the GameCube. This is being played on my GameCube (not the Wii). I'm playing on normal difficulty.

A few months ago it was announced that a remastered version of XIII would be releasing in November for current consoles (although it was recently pushed back to 2020), so I decided it was a good time to finally post a playthrough of the GameCube version.

I was a huge fan of first-person shooters on the Nintendo 64, although I primarily played GoldenEye and Perfect Dark. The FPS controls on the N64 weren't perfect, but they worked for me since they mostly involved aiming left and right with auto aim taking care of the rest.

However, by the time the GameCube arrived, FPS controls had switched to the atrocious new dual analog setup, which I detested. Also, Rare was quickly sold to Microsoft, removing the possibility of that company releasing any amazing shooters for Nintendo's new console.

As a result, I mostly abandoned the FPS genre until The Conduit was released in 2009. However, thanks to a TV show called X-Play, I knew about a Ubisoft shooter entitled XIII, which used a cel-shaded, comic book style that I thought looked neat. In early 2006, while I was on break before my last semester of college, I decided to pick up a used copy of XIII for the GameCube to keep me busy. Since I only paid about $17, I didn't really care if the game fell short of something like Perfect Dark.

Although the controls were terrible and the recoil made me want to pull my hair out, I quickly found that XIII was an enjoyable shooter. The single-player missions were fun, and the multiplayer mode was pretty good too. It even allowed for four-player splitscreen and featured bots as well.

I ended up playing the multiplayer mode quite a bit with friends, and I occasionally played against the bots by myself, but I only beat the single-player mode once. So this is only my second time beating the game. If my aim sucks during this playthrough, it's because I'm terrible with dual analog controls.

In this first part I completed Mission 1: Brighton Beach.

Recorded with the Hauppauge HD PVR and the GameCube's component cables. This game doesn't feature progressive scan mode (thanks a lot Ubisoft) so I deinterlaced the footage in Virtualdub.

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