Is Decaffeinated Coffee Bad For Your Health??

7 months ago

Drinking coffee is a vital part of many people’s morning routine, as not only does it taste good but it also gives us an energy boost. However, some people don’t like caffeine but still enjoy the taste of coffee, so what are the benefits and drawbacks of decaf coffee? Coffee is usually decaffeinated through a process using methylene chloride or ethyl acetate to extract and dissolve caffeine from the beans. Luckily, the chemicals are not harmful to you, at least in the amounts you are exposed to in decaf coffee; however, higher levels can be dangerous. People who work in strip plants or degrease metals are often exposed to higher levels of methylene chloride and are at greater risk of lung and liver cancer. The inhalation or ingestion of ethyl acetate can lead to health problems, but experts have confirmed that it doesn’t pose a threat in coffee. If you want to avoid exposure to these chemicals, look for products that use the Swiss Water Process to decaffeinate coffee.

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