OP2407-26-6 After Action Report

7 months ago



Intelligence staff for 2nd Battalion, Chernarus 4th Separate Light Mountain Rifle Brigade, received reports from local agents in the village of Kabanino in Chernarus that separatist patrols were intensifying in that area, enough so that a separatist force had entered the village and spent 12 hours there requisitioning supplies such as food, water, and money. Local agents did not report any shootings or kidnappings, or any attempts to recruit shooters. The separatist force withdrew to the north but continued to maintain patrols very close to the village.

Command Staff assembled a task force consisting of four light rifle squads, and two BRDM scout cars, and ordered them to march on Kabanino with orders to occupy the village and engage and destroy any enemy activity in the area.

The tactical plan for the defense of Kabanino was for 4th Squad to post itself on the east side of the church, while Command Squad, 2nd Squad and 3rd Squad took up positions on the northern edge of the village. Scout 1 was ordered to cover the main north-south road leading into Kabinino, while Scout 2 took up a reserve position south of the village.

Enemy technicals attempted to rush into town from the west, but were stopped by a combination of rifle fire and vehicle heavy machine gun fire. Initial contact was with an attack by Spanish militia coming from the northwest, and by Wagner Group operators attacking from the West. Command Squad and Scout 1 drove off the Spanish militia, while 4th Squad drove off the Wagner Group operators.

A second small unit of Wagner group operators attacked the positions of 2nd Squad and 3rd Squad on the northeastern edge of town. 2nd squad suffered heavily from casualties. A second Wagner group squad attempted to flank the positions of 2nd Squad and 3rd Squad but were met by intense rifle fire from Command Squad and Scout 1 BRDM. The result was 2nd Squad was forced back and then wiped out, as the Wagner Group unit also retreated back to the north.

Friendly reinforcements included one BMP-2 and one rifle squad, and one more light rifle squad. The BMP was posted slightly to the south of the main East West Road leading into Kabinino, where it engaged two more enemy technicals as they attempted to enter into the village. Reinforcing Rifle Squad 1 was ordered to take up the positions of 4th Squad, which had been pulled back as well. Reinforcing Rifle Squad 2 was ordered into town to take up the former positions of 2nd Squad.

New attacks from Spanish militia came from the northwest and from the north, including Wagner Group operators. Both attacks were stopped and the enemy forces were pulled back.

On receiving word that the Su-25 had been shot down but the pilot survived, was stranded about 2 km to the West, Commander ordered a rescue detachment consisting of Command Squad and the two BRDM Scout cars. The pilot was found and given first aid, loaded aboard Scout 1, then ordered to return to base.

The remnants of the task force withdrew in good order to Rogovo where they happened upon an enemy patrol, which they destroyed.

Losses were heavy. 2nd Squad was wiped out, 3rd Squad lost two, 4th Squad lost eight and Command Squad lost one

Field counts of enemy losses included eight technicals.

Intelligence assessment of the battle concluded that the enemy was heavily damaged, with the losses of the vehicles, and the losses suffered by Wagner Group operators. Intelligence staff also concluded that the separatists would be replenishing their losses with Chechen militia, and some Russian Special Forces, indicating a possibility of a more vigorous response to the battle in Kabanino.

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