From Fear of Things to Faith in God | 1 Samuel 12:24-25

1 month ago

What great thing has the Lord has done for you?

Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

This week, we are in 1 Samuel 12. I've titled this chapter "God is Faithful When We Are Not."

In the story, Samuel is giving his farewell address, and he closes off his great speech with these words in 1 Samuel 12:24-25:

Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you. But if you still do wickedly, you shall be swept away, both you and your king. — 1 Samuel 12:24-25

In these two verses, Samuel implores the people to transition their fears. He wants them to move from fearing "things" to fearing "one" worth fearing—the Lord.

In the Bible, there are two broad references to fear. One is often called a "spirit of fear," which is focused on things and results in disbelief and disobedience. The other is the "fear of the Lord," which is focused on God and results in faith, obedience, awe, and reverence.

Samuel has appropriately identified the issue of the nation. The issue they keep having is the same issue that all believers have. Our faith is tested and exposed by the things we fear. If we fear things in this life, then we are putting our faith in the things of this life. If we fear God, we are putting our faith in the person of God.

This is where the battle of faith is fought every day. Today, you are going to experience some fear. Fear of a person. Fear of failure. Fear of being late. Fear of letting someone down. There are so many things to fear that I can't list them all. But you will encounter a fear of some kind that is unique to you. The challenge is not letting the fear of that thing, whatever it is, control you. You must turn from fearing that thing to faith in God, who is worth fearing. Samuel suggests we consistently make that turn by "considering all the great things God has done."

In this instance, the most recent great thing the people of Israel could "consider" was that unexplainable storm. A storm rolled in and drenched them in a stormless season, reminding them that God was in complete control of all things and his word to Samuel was ordained by God.

Surely, in your life, you have one of these unexplainable divine events that display God's faithfulness—one that brings you back to the fear of the Lord when you fear other things. Remember, recall, and consider this event and what God did for you in detail when fear strikes you today, which will help to anchor you in a reverent fear of the Lord.

#FearOfTheLord, #GodsFaithfulness, #DailyDevotional

Ask This:
How has a recent challenge or fear in your life been met with a reminder of God’s faithfulness, and how did it shift your perspective or response?
What specific "great things" has God done in your life that you can recall and use to strengthen your faith when faced with fear or doubt?
Do This:
Remember a moment of God's faithfulness when you experience a fear.

Pray This:
Lord, help me to remember and reflect on the great things You have done in my life, especially when I am overwhelmed by fear. Strengthen my faith to trust in Your power and faithfulness above all else. Amen.

Play This:
I Will Fear No More.

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