Huge Moon Ball Structure Found - Lunar Sphere - ArtAlienTV

7 months ago

A huge ball / sphere on the Moon. In a large crater. Check it out. Apollo 10 mission image.
CHECK THIS ONE OUT - Very similar one on Mars.
Mars Dome & Pyramid Structures - Benton Crater Sphere. ArtAlienTV


First found by Joe White - ArtAlienTV on 15th July 2020 and
published on YouTube first by ArtAlienTV - 16th July 2020.
Original Video here -

Image Credit: NASA

✔ NASA image link:

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Real scientists, by definition, are not meant to follow dogma, but to question it relentlessly and push the boundries of current knowledge.

© My enhanced images are shown next to the official raw images to show they are well within the bounds of sensible inquiry/analysis. My finds can be used only if my logo is left in the image and links are given to the video. Feel free to share video links 😊 All these finds must be credited to ArtAlienTV unless stated otherwise.

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
Image Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU
See gigapans for more image links.

A sufficiently advanced alien culture could live anywhere in our solar system with almost no restrictions from climate.
Simply by parking a well equipped ship with advanced life support systems, it would be possible to survive in almost any environment.
From the rings of Saturn to the frozen wastes of Antarctica there would be little to prevent this from being possible.
Our narrow conceptions and imagination are the only thing preventing us from officially announcing intelligent alien life.
I have already shown this life on both Mars and our Moon with little difficulty by just using dogged determination, common sense and above all, open mindedness.
I find it incredulous that more people have not done the same. Evidence for alien life is bountiful in our space images of certain areas as I have demonstrated many times in recent years.
Perhaps this shows the severe lack of care that our human species has for the unknown unless there is a direct threat to our rather immature and frivolous war like society.
I am absolutely sure that the powers that be are aware of a certain presence but pretend to ignore it. So as to not reveal our inability to respond to what is likely to be vastly superior technology.
Luckily for us, this local presence is a lot less violent and impulsive than us intellectually primitive and blissfully ignorant Earth humans and are probably sparing us due to a closely linked past heritage.
Joe White. ArtAlienTV

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