EP. 20: Wake Up With Sonia Poulton & Guests - GUEST & SUBJECT TIMES BELOW

6 months ago

EP. 20: Wake Up With Sonia Poulton & Guests - FULL STREAM

Intro to this week's events: Southport Murders/Protests/Huw Edwards 'Guilty'/Online Disinformation/Agent Provocateurs/Olympic travesty + more

11.40 Commentator and writer Francis O'Neill: The big picture on this week from the murder of children to Starmer surveillance @FrancisxONeill https://substack.com/@francisoneill

31.34 Is family murderer Jeremy Bamber innocent? Philip Walker and Emma Morris talk us through the litany of problems that make this an unsafe conviction.

1.02.30 Comment: Tommy Robinson's documentary 'Silenced'

1.06.42 BBC News anchor Huw Edwards pleads guilty to making indecent images of children

1.18.00 Defund the BBC - cancel your licence!

1.20.28 Why we all have a duty to call out clickbait & fear porn online posters: they are going to get us all censored!

1.28.50 Olympics 2024: debauched opening ceremony, participation of a child rapist and making it legal for men to beat up women. A horror show.

1.31.41 Police dogs need better protection. Govt won't even give them PPE!

1.34.49 Operation Lazurite: Why has UK Govt secretly moved thousands of Afghan military men and intelligence operatives into British military bases?

1.41.11 The racist murder that still haunts the Met Police: Stephen Lawrence's body to be returned to the UK.

1.45.22 Geo-Engineering. We talk about it because legacy media won't. Emails from Peter, Karen & James.

1.48.46 James' email on Snoop Dogg's Baphomet denial

1.51.00 The importance of building ourselves up against external critics. What makes you YOU?

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