How To Deal with Conflicts in Your Life ATM- Collective I Ching & Oracle Reading

6 months ago

Hexagram 59 Dispersion > 9 Taming Power of The Small

Full length I Ching and Tantric Dakini Oracle Reading for the 144,000 Cosmic Collective and anyone else who comes with good Intentions. If the reading resonates at the time that you find it, then it's yours. Take only what fits and leave the rest for someone else, using your own discernment.

Although it may assist in adding color depth and context...
This is not a substitute for expert legal, Finacial, medical, or romantic advice -

It's for, creative problem solving, helping you to think outside the box, enhancing your intuition, de -stressing, and receiving insights from The Sage who speaks through the Book of Changes and other Oracles aka TMH...
All Thanks To the All in All who gave me the grace and space for this Transmission.
Thankyou Also Everyone Who likes, comments or subscribes.
It's been quite enjoyable getting to know you friendly, resourceful, creative Humans. So many of you are decent kind people.

Stay excellent-and be excellent to yourself and others- it's contagious!
Bless your uniqueness - you're an inspiration!
Stay Well, Happy Travels... Love, Delphi :)

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