Venezuela - Maduro's "Socialism" - A Lunatic Liberal's Dream

6 months ago

The world needs to know what is happening. There is a criminal court on the streets judging and executing without mercy.

This is how it happens... they take your guns (which they did for these people and are trying to do to us now. They changed the manner of their supreme court (which they are attempt to to do us now...) They increased the costs of goods so high that no one could afford anything anymore. These people have no weapons, nothing. They have nothing more to lose for they have lost it all... And now, they lose their lives by being mowed down by a sadistic, communist tyrannical ruler without feeling or regard for human life. This is the path OUR USA is headed for if we do not make a sharp course correction in our own government. Little by little they start taking things away from us (for our own good), until one day your wake up and you realized you have nothing, and you are nothing, and you will forever be nothing, just fodder to be worked into the ground as slaves to a corrupt government without regard for human life. How do I know, because the above scene is a replay of what happened to the Hungarians during the 1956 Hungarian Revolution where MY father was one of those freedom fighters! Only what you see here are just the previews. It will only get worse as people become more desperate for food and freedom... They corrupt government in Venezuela has not yet called out the "big guns" God Save Venezuela and her People! And God Save the United States of America from this fate.....
~Carpathia (Telegram)

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