Episode 13 - The devastating effect of RINOS in conservative States

2 months ago

Going behind the curtain in Cheyenne, Wyoming with Representative Rachel Rodriguez Williams to expose deceptive RINOS destroying Wyoming! Wyoming be informed when you head to the voting booth August 20th!

Wyoming Scorecards to stay informed:

A great list to see who is Conservative and who is a RINO in Wyoming. https://wyorino.com

Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Center For Legislative Accountability- “Conservative Excellence Award”, Lifetime rating 93.59%

Positive score for all three categories of Representation, Competence and Integrity and therefore has been ranked as High Trust. http://wyovote.com

Institute for Legislative Analysis- “Defender of Limited Government”. www.scorecard.limitedgov.org

https://evidencebasedwyoming.com- Rodriguez-Williams scored a 81.2% as a Fiscal Conservative for 2023 legislative session. Rodriguez-Williams earned the Conservative Political Leaning Ranking for 2023 legislative session

“Top 20” Conservative Republican
Honor Wyoming- “Top Hand” 307Votes.com

https://clubforgrowthfoundation.org- 88% Life Score rating

Wyoming Right to Life- Rachel Rodriguez Williams 2023-2024 Platinum Award recipient

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