Innovations in Women’s Reproductive Health, With Dr. Teresa Hilgers

1 month ago

Initially I asked Dr. Teresa Hilgers of the world renowned Saint Paul VI Institute to come on our show to address the effect of contraceptives, especially oral contraceptives, on women's overall health. She did that and much more. It is our hope that you will take the time to listen or watch the interview and share it with friends and family. In addition your Parish Priest will find it helpful when addressing fertility issues with young couples, especially those preparing for marriage or dealing with infertility.

I invite you to join the conversation as we address the important topic of natural fertility care with Dr. Teresa Hilgers and explore the revolutionary innovations of the St. Paul VI Institute. Learn firsthand about the creation and global impact of the Creighton Model and NaPro Technology, developed by her father, Dr. Thomas Hilgers, along with his dedicated team. Discover how these groundbreaking methods support women in achieving or delaying pregnancy, while addressing a variety of gynecological issues in harmony with their natural cycles.

Dr. Teresa Hilgers also shares her expert insights on the ethical and medical implications of using birth control pills for health purposes beyond contraception. We discuss the significant side effects and the failure of these pills to address underlying health issues, offering an alternative perspective grounded in ethical medicine and aligned with the Catholic Church's teachings. You'll also gain a deeper understanding of natural family planning as a viable and effective alternative for delaying pregnancy and the value of understanding fertility cycles as a couple.

Explore the critical importance of fertility education, the risks and benefits of birth control, and the need for proactive diagnosis of conditions like endometriosis. Dr. Teresa provides valuable resources for finding NaPro doctors and outlines the global reach of their practice. Embrace the spirit of curiosity and questioning in science as we conclude with an enlightening discussion on the essence of scientific inquiry and the importance of humility in the medical field. This episode is a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone seeking ethical and effective reproductive health solutions.

Additional resources:
Dr. Thomas Hilgers joins Jack, some past episodes:
#179 Woman's Reproductive Health with Dr. Thomas Hilgers, Director of the Saint Paul VI Institute

#101: “Good News” in Women’s Reproductive Health, Dr. Hilgers is with us!!

Saint Paul VI Institute (Please support the Institutes research and training!)

Saint John Paul the Great Society of Procreative Surgeons

Support the show

Initially I asked Dr. Teresa Hilgers of the world renowned Saint Paul VI Institute to come on our show to address the effect of contraceptives, especially oral contraceptives, on women's overall health. She did that and much more. It is our hope that you will take the time to listen or watch the interview and share it with friends and family. In addition your Parish Priest will find it helpful when addressing fertility issues with young couples, especially those preparing for marriage or dealing with infertility.

I invite you to join the conversation as we address the important topic of natural fertility care with Dr. Teresa Hilgers and explore the revolutionary innovations of the St. Paul VI Institute. Learn firsthand about the creation and global impact of the Creighton Model and NaPro Technology, developed by her father, Dr. Thomas Hilgers, along with his dedicated team. Discover how these groundbreaking methods support women in achieving or delaying pregnancy, while addressing a variety of gynecological issues in harmony with their natural cycles.

Dr. Teresa Hilgers also shares her expert insights on the ethical and medical implications of using birth control pills for health purposes beyond contraception. We discuss the significant side effects and the failure of these pills to address underlying health issues, offering an alternative perspective grounded in ethical medicine and aligned with the Catholic Church's teachings. You'll also gain a deeper understanding of natural family planning as a viable and effective alternative for delaying pregnancy and the value of understanding fertility cycles as a couple.

Explore the critical importance of fertility education, the risks and benefits of birth control, and the need for proactive diagnosis of conditions like endometriosis. Dr. Teresa provides valuable resources for finding NaPro doctors and outlines the global reach of their practice. Embrace the spirit of curiosity and questioning in science as we conclude with an enlightening discussion on the essence of scientific inquiry and the importance of humility in the medical field. This episode is a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone seeking ethical and effective reproductive health solutions.

Additional resources:
Dr. Thomas Hilgers joins Jack, some past episodes:
#179 Woman's Reproductive Health with Dr. Thomas Hilgers, Director of the Saint Paul VI Institute

#101: “Good News” in Women’s Reproductive Health, Dr. Hilgers is with us!!

Saint Paul VI Institute (Please support the Institutes research and training!)

Saint John Paul the Great Society of Procreative Surgeons

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Jack Rigert is a co-founder of the John Paul II Renewal Center and leads our outreach. He is also a writer for several online Catholic outlets. Previously, Jack was a professional chef and entrepreneur who owned restaurants, real estate, and a financial service company.

Dramatic “encounters” with Jesus Christ at his dying brother’s bedside and again in the Eucharist at his brother’s funeral, brought him back into the Church after a twenty-year absence. While attending graduate school in Theology, Jack came across the teaching of Pope John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body.” He immediately understood that this was the treasure he had been seeking all his life, sold everything, and now travels the country presenting Parish Missions, Retreats, and Classes. Jack has three grown children and seven grandchildren. He lives in Elburn, Illinois with his wife, Jeannie and is an active member of St. Gall’s Parish, in Elburn, IL.

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