What Is Dark Oxygen? A Geological Wonder, That's What!

7 months ago

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Here is the journal itself if you want to read more about "dark oxygen": https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-024-01480-8

Dark Oxygen is a term that is being used to describe increases in oxygen and oxygenation in the deep, deep ocean. Until recently scientists believed that only processes like photosynthesis would create oxygen, however with the discovery of increased oxygen levels far below where sunlight can reach, it was determined that this increase in oxygen was the result of a ROCK! Specifically a rock-like metal nodule that gives off an electrical current and acts like a "battery". This creates electrolysis, and splits the water molecules of the salt water into their components, hydrogen and oxygen. This is believed to be the cause of increased oxygen on the ocean floor that allows so much deep sea life to flourish where there is not light for plants of photosynthesize, and create oxygen. We live on a dynamic and beautiful planet. Who would have guessed that rocks and minerals could create oxygen as well? Science is so cool! What a geological wonder!

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