8/1/2024 - Jennifer M: School Teacher Placed on Unpaid Leave for Refusing the PCR "Test"

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Jennifer's Story:

I had just finished teaching 20 years as a 6th grade Language Arts and Social Studies teacher in June 2021 in the NYC schools. It was obviously a difficult year, especially for students who were forced to wear masks, and essentially stay away from each other. Several months earlier in February of 2021, I had been placed on unpaid leave for refusing forced PCR testing which was now a new condition of empolyment for staff members. During the summer school session (July - Aug), the teachers' union (United Federation of Teachers) had employees fill out a questionnaire detailing personal feelings in reference to the Covid vaccine(s). I had no interest in taking the vaccine and subsequently answered "no." This seemed a likely precursor to future events regarding personal health choices, and, ultimately freedom.

An announcement on the morning of August 23, 2021 by former NYC Mayor Bill DiBlasio would change my world forever.
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