3 Hacks I Use to Get Out of a Low Vibration ASAP

7 months ago

1. I disconnect from excess stimulation and reconnect with nature:

This helps ground me and brings a sense of safety. Your root chakra is often out of alignment when experiencing intense emotions like anger, pain, sadness, guilt, and shame. Grounding myself in nature helps me feel at ease much faster.

2. I Breathe:
I use a breathwork routine and sometimes go for a run. This increases my heartbeat and puts me in a state where I'm focused on the present moment. Running until I'm almost out of breath shocks my body. It shifts my mind's focus from overthinking to survival, pulling me out of a low vibrational state and into a neutral state where it's easier to process emotions.

3. I meditate:

This meditation isn't traditional; I sit down and allow myself to feel all the emotions causing my low vibrational state, process them, and let go. After physical expression like running or creative expression like writing songs, I release this energy, giving my mind space to process these emotions and eventually move on.

And these are the hacks I use to instantly get out of a lower vibrational state.

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