Saturday Studies The Mosaic Covenant 8-3-2024

7 months ago

Today we look at the Mosaic Covenant. It is a "conditional" covenant between God and the nation of Israel, the Jewish people. It began with God giving Moses the Law, known as the Law of Moses or the Mosaic Law. The agreement of the Israelites to obey God's directions of the Law resulted in the Mosaic Covenant. It began with the Israelites exodus from Egypt to go the the Promised Land and was affirmed with the Jews at Mount Sinai, so we go to Exodus chapter 19 to begin looking at Scriptures relating to the Mosaic Covenant.
The Mosaic Covenant has references in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. It resulted in the religious leaders coming up with 613 commandments in the covenant.
It is related to the Abrahamic Covenant in that it deals with the Jews and the Promised Land. The "conditional" part relates to them being told if they obey God's commandments they will enjoy the blessings of the Promised Land and become the head of nations and God's peculiar people, a nation of Priests to the rest of the world. However, if they are disobedient to the commandment conditions, they will be exiled from their land and their enemies will rule over them.

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