Emergency Water Source Almost Anywhere: Solaris Atmospheric Water Generator | Magic Prepper

7 months ago

Emergency Water Source Almost Anywhere (Even in an Apartment): Solaris Atmospheric Water Generator
The Solaris WaterGen A10 is an innovative atmospheric water generator that can provide safe, off grid drinking water solution almost anywhere you are.

The Solaris Atmospheric Water Generator is an energy efficient way to generate purified water out of thin air as long as the conditions are right. Even if the water system goes down, as long as you can power the Solaris System, you’ll have a potable water source even in an apartment, at a campsite or anywhere else where the conditions are met ( Temperatures between 59°F - 100°F and Humidity between 35%- 90%) If you are interested in this useful piece of preparedness tech, use this link to support the channel: https://tinyurl.com/mran85vm
Use the code “magicprepper” for $150 off of a Solaris Atmospheric Water Generator!

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