BGMCTV keeping_shabbat_holy_part_7

7 months ago

Keeping Shabbat Holy, the work of YEHOVAH Part 7

Summary – In the context of the scriptures, Yehovah tells us that we must be willing to put down our burdens and walk away from them – and walk toward HIM. We are being asked by the King to replace those chores with a celebration. Anyone who has every prepared for a celebration knows that there is always a lot of work involved. However, we are always willing to do that work because of the blessings and joy that follow. Even during the “party” there is monitoring, serving, intermittent clean-up, refilling the food trays and punch bowl, keeping the music playing, getting more ice for the cold drinks…etc…

If we are willing to engage in the “work” of having a party for other reasons- celebrating a graduation, a retirement, a wedding anniversary – then we can begin to understand the joy of preparing and celebrating the Shabbat.


In the Hebrew text, the word Shabbat appears 78 times. In the Greek text of the Brit HaDasha
(NT), the word for Shabbat “Sabbath” appears an additional 58 times. This is an astounding total of 136 (120 verses) scriptural references to one single word! As a powerful point of comparison, the term “born again” appears only in the Brit Hadasha and only four times. The four occurrences are even more astoundingly paired together! The first pairing appears in John 3 and the second time together in 1Peter 1. It is profound. The Body of Messiah uses the term “born again” as a foundational concept –yet the Scriptural references of that very term are few and far between. However, YEHOVAH and specifically Yeshua in the Brit HaDasha (NT), teach about the Shabbat in far more Scriptures and in far more depth.

This study is broken into 8 main sections

I. The Work of YEHOVAH


III. Man’s Work

IV. Man’s “Place”

a. Preparation Day – an act of obedience

b. Living in Humility – a life that leads to obedience

V. Shabbat – Something YEHOVAH'S Servants Must DO

VI. The Holy Convocation

VII. The Details According to Torah

a. The City Gates

b. The Shabbat Sacrifices & Offerings

c. Who Must Obey the Command to Shabbat?

d. The Punishment for Disobedience

e. Buying or Selling on the Shabbat

VIII. If that was not enough

IX. The Conclusion of the Matter

X. Appendix –What about those home fellowships?

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