Welfare is Deadly

6 months ago

The federal welfare state that largely started under FDR with Social Security and other welfare programs and then LBJ brought on an avalanche of more totally failed programs. A check from Washington has brought devastation to countless since LBJ's totally failed "war on poverty" was launched. It paid women more money to have babies if the father didn't stick around. So many children have grown up without fathers and had uncaring and incapable mothers. The young boys especially, turn to gangs to get their familial needs met. They will do almost anything to get their familial needs met, including killing. On the 4th of July weekend in Chicago, over 100 were shot, nearly all were Black on Black. This was brought about by the welfare state. The inner cities were largely peaceful and prosperous before the "war on poverty." The out-of-wedlock birthrate before the "war on poverty" in the African American community was around 10 percent, it is now over 70 percent, and no doubt much higher in the cities. That has been catastrophic. The Democrat leaders in the big cities don't care, all they care about is that African Americans voted Democrat for their pittance.
The welfare state should be dismantled. It will be so difficult because so many make their living of of the welfare state, and nearly all of them vote Democrat. The federal welfare state is also unconstitutional, it goes way outside the boundaries of the Constitution.
The answer is private charity and getting people to work. Charity should be done in a totally accountable way. work brings dignity and good mental health and of course a paycheck.
The federal welfare state is deadly in so many ways, including killing other spirit of so many and directly killing so may others directly, it has to be dismantled.

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