Empty Declarations Will Finish Ukraine (Part 1). War in Ukraine, Analytics. Arestovich, Romanenko.

6 months ago

On air with Yuri Romanenko (YR), Oleg Khomyak (OH) and Alexey Arestovych (AA) discussed:
00:00 Consequences of the Biden-Trump debate for Ukraine.
01:52 YR: condolences to residents of Dniepr after another Russian attack on a residential building.
02:30 YR, AA: discussed interviews with Sobchak, Bykov, Gordeeva.
03:56 AA: I have relieved myself of responsibility for the state of the Second Ukrainian Republic.
04:50 Reaction to the interview: the Kremlin does not have enough money to buy Arestovich.
06:20 YR: Trump-Biden debate. Is a class of American politics lower than Ukrainian? How big of a disappointment for Democrats is US President?
08:46 AA: “The Naked King” - panic and crisis in the US democratic camp. The level of debate is depressingly low.
12:22 YR: elite crisis in the USA. The symbolism of the date of the Biden-Trump debate.
14:32 AA: the problem of world politics is that the world is ruled by Cold War paradigm. We need new people who will solve problems in a new way.
16:47 AA: Biden and Trump as principles.
18:08 Total degradation of the Western system. Trump is needed as a system hacker. Will Democrats be able to nominate another candidate instead of Biden?
21:52 AA: competition between Russia and China on peace plans in Ukraine and security in Europe. Sympathies to Putin from the global South.
27:04 YR, AA: the world is moving towards the multipolar system of the “Game of Thrones”. With the collapse of the USSR, the mission of West has disappeared.
31:22 OH, YR: there will be a long war or competition of all against all. Opportunities for Ukraine.
33:47 AA, OH: Biden’s words are empty declarations and slogans, which is not backed by anything - Ukraine cannot hit the airfields of the Kursk and Belgorod regions. Sensation: President Zelensky proposes to make peace with Russia? Society hypnotized with propaganda.
40:45 President Zelensky’s signal about a truce is not going through or do people not believe in the reality of his rhetoric?
43:35 Speculation - what will happen if Arestovich disappears from the Ukrainian airwaves for a while. Ukrainian authorities position: the imperfection of the world and the human factor.
46:19 Men of Ukraine are serfs in the 21st century. Disorientation of Ukrainian society.

English translation #PrivateerStation.

Olexiy Arestovych (Kiev): Former Advisor to the Office of the President of Ukraine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksiy_Arestovych Official channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/arestovych Social Media: https://lnk.bio/alexey.arestovich

Yuriy Romanenko, Ukraine Politologist. https://www.youtube.com/ yuriyromanenko_ukraine

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