Digital Marketing

7 months ago

Welcome to our community!🎉 If you're new here, this is how our process works: 👇

1. You probably saw our ad on Facebook or Instagram, which brought you here.

2. Next, message us or sign up on my website with your name and email to access our free info session. This will give you a basic understanding of our business.

3. After that, you can opt for our 30-day program by paying a fee of $149 US. It's fully refundable within 30 days if you decide it's not for you.

4. You'll then have a personalized call with one of our experts to discuss your questions, get to know us better, and explore strategies for partnering with our companies.

5. Finally, choose to partner with our companies, invest, unlock our training, and start promoting our platform and companies.

If you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to message me. I'm here to help! 😊

Amandeep Kaur Karra

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