(2008, Gaza) With Palestinian Medics Looking For Survivors at Israeli-Bombed "American High School"

6 months ago

An Israeli warplane bombed the American high school on the night of January 3, 2009. Upon arriving at the bombed school, we searched for survivors or martyrs. In the pitch dark, without adequate lighting and under threat of at any moment being bombed again by the Israeli warplanes, we were unable to find the martyr's body and had to return at first light.

The youth, a teen from the area, was the night watchman at the school. His dead body was burned and mutilated by the bombing.

Arafa, the heroic medic I accompanied that night was killed later that day, by an Israeli dart (flechette) bomb, fired directly at the ambulance he stood next to, one of Israel's many war crimes in Gaza.




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