Too Late for Tears (AKA: Killer Bait) - AI REMASTERED - HD MOVIE - Classic Film Noir

6 months ago

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a creatively edited remaster of the original film, it has been upscaled, tone graded, denoised and image sharpened by AFLIX using proprietary technologies and software systems, therefore AFLIX holds all intellectual property over this version. Consequently, it cannot be shared, copied or distributed without ALFIX agreement and permission.

This is pure noir. Lizabeth Scott and Arthur Kennedy are a couple who receive a satchel full of money that was intended for someone else (Dan Duryea). He wants to turn the cash over to the authorities; she wants to keep it no matter what the consequences.

Too Late for Tears is a 1949 American film noir directed by Byron Haskin. It tells a story about a woman who steals a suitcase with $60K in it and goes on a killing crime spree. The screenplay was written by Roy Huggins, developed from a serial he wrote for the Saturday Evening Post.

The film was reissued as Killer Bait in 1955. Too Late for Tears has been in the public domain for many years; there are several different edits of the film with different running times.

Jane and Alan Palmer (Scott and Kennedy) are driving to a party in the Hollywood Hills one evening when someone in another car throws a suitcase stuffed with cash into the back seat of their convertible (car). They are chased by yet another car for a short time but get away. Back at their upper-middle-class Hollywood apartment they find $60,000 inside the suitcase. Jane wants to keep the money, but Alan wants to take it to the police. Alan places the suitcase and cash in a locker at Union Station (Los Angeles), hoping he can sway Jane into willingly giving the money to the police.

A few days later while Alan is at work, Danny (Duryea) shows up at their apartment, tells Jane he is a detective and quickly learns she has the money and has already begun spending it. Her husband Alan likewise becomes upset when he finds she has been running up bills, clearly planning to spend their new-found, ill-gotten wealth. With her heart set on keeping the money, she makes a deal with Danny to split the money. Hoping to kill him, she lures Danny up into the hills but he doesn't trust her and flees.

She later asks a now-wary Danny to meet her in the evening at MacArthur Park near downtown Los Angeles, where she and her husband Alan take a romantic boat ride. Jane has planned to kill her husband Alan in the boat but is stopped by a pang of guilt and begs him to take her to shore, then blurts out that she wants to send the claim check for the locker to the police. Unaware of why his wife is upset, Alan wants to carry on with the boat ride. Hoping to find cigarettes, he picks up her bag and his own gun falls out. The startled look on his face tells Jane he knows straight off what she had in mind, she fearfully grabs the gun, they struggle and she shoots, killing him. When Danny sees the body he doesn't like the notion of being tangled up in a murder, but Jane threatens to tell the police he killed her husband unless he helps her.As she planned earlier, after dumping the body in the lake they leave the park together so as to mislead witnesses into thinking she left with her husband, whom she later reports as missing.

Don Blake (DeFore) claims to be an old army buddy of Alan's and in Los Angeles by happenstance. Whilst looking into what happened to Alan, Don falls in love with Alan's younger sister Kathy, who lives in the same apartment building and has growing worried about Jane. Jane finds out that Don never knew Alan and hits him over the head with a pistol. Having retrieved the cash out of the locker at Union Station, she meets a wholly drunken Danny at his apartment and says she needs him to help her run away. Danny tells Jane he knows he still can't trust her, but that he has fallen in love with her and that money was a "once in a lifetime" blackmail payoff from an Insurance fraud. She kills him with a poisoned drink.

After finding Danny's body, the Los Angeles police tell Don that if he wants them to drain the small lake at Westlake Park in search of Jane's missing husband, he must pay thousands of dollars. Meanwhile Jane flees with all the money to Mexico City, where Don finds her at the posh Reforma Hotel living in a lavish Penthouse apartment. Thinking he is either after the money or with the police, Jane pleads with him to take half. Don tells her he is the brother of Jane's earlier, first husband Bob Blanchard and that he now understands how she could have driven him into killing himself. As Mexican police detectives rush into the room, Jane quickly backs away in tears onto a balcony, then screams as she falls over the railing to her death.

Lizabeth Scott as Jane Palmer
Don DeFore as Don Blake/Blanchard
Dan Duryea as Danny Fuller
Arthur Kennedy (actor) as Alan Palmer
Kristine Miller as Kathy Palmer
Barry Kelley as Lt. Breach

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