Psalm 133 in full. Tune: St Botolph

7 months ago

Crow Road Free Church
Psalm 133
"How excellent a thing it is, how pleasant and how good"
Tune: St Botolph
The images are only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; they are not intended as one-to-one correspondences.
Images: Joseph Sold into Slavery (Genesis 37)
The High Priest of Israel in his robes of glory and beauty. (Exodus 28-30)
Tiberias looking towards Hermon after David Roberts.
Aaron, Moses and Eleazar by William Brassey Hole. (Numbers 20)

PSALM 133 C.M.

1 How excellent a thing it is,
how pleasant and how good,
When brothers dwell in unity
and live as brothers should!

2 For it is like the precious oil,
poured out on Aaron’s head,
That, running over, down his beard,
upon his collar spread.

3 Like Hermon’s dew, upon the hill
of Zion it descends.
The LORD bestows his blessing there—
the life that never ends.

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