Tutorial 206 | Using the OpenFileDialog class to access a text file for use with optimization class

6 months ago

Based on Tutorial 100 (see https://markplex.com/free-tutorials/t...) and Quicktip 37 (see https://markplex.com/free-tutorials/t...
Tutorial 100 demonstrated a simple optimization using the optimizer class. Quicktip 37 took the tutorial 100 program, which had a list of symbols to be used in the optimization 'hard coded' into the program, and instead made it so that the user to store the list of symbols into a txt file and for the program to import.

Tutorial 206 extends this further by taking the Quicktip 37 program and allowing the user to search for a file on their hard drive. The file is selected and the symbol data is imported.
#EasyLanguage #tradestation #markplex

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