4 months ago

Do you want to be forced to drive an electric car? The Democrat Party will destroy the fossil fuel industry if given another four years in the White House. As for me, I cringe at the thought of having to spend most of my day planning on when I am going to go without transportation so I can charge the dern thing for two hours (every day). And what about those people in the northern states - where, when it gets very cold, those stupid, inefficient vehicles don't hold a charge? What then?

Do you plan to enjoy "eating more insects like the rest of the world does?" Cuz the Environmental Extremist Dems plan to replace your meat with bugs - i.e. grass hoppers and crickets. Have you tried one of those impossible burgers at Burger King? (Yuk. I tried one once. After two bites I threw it away.) (It tasted like burnt soy beans.)

How about going without AC in the hot summer and being coerced to run your thermostat at 85 degrees (like they were told to do recently in California). I don't see how Kamala Harris and the Dems are going to make our lives better. How do you feel about having all cars be required to install a governor so they can't go more than 10 miles per hour over the speed limit? (Like the recent law passed in California.) The Democrat party has become the party of environmental extremists like Uni-Bomber Ted Kaczynski ... Is that the kind of world you hope to contribute to creating? Their push for inefficient, costly energy will slow our economy to a stand still... while we all sit around for two hours each day waiting for our electric cars to charge ...(instead of shopping, and going out to dinner and movies, etc ...)

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