WTFR The Pushback 31-07-2024

7 months ago

As promised on last week's camping trip video, which I only got to upload yesterday, I'm uploading this one right now. Joss is joined by Colin, Leo & Emma for a roundtable chat & belly-laugh round a non-round table.

Colin is buzzing, as well as sticking his head above the parapet, & is also definitely not suicidal - just in case something happens to him because of his desire to set people free from slavery.

Leo reeled off a bunch of funny stuff, which was borderline politically incorect, thus potential suicide. Leo's been told by so called experts that he's at death's door, which is clearly bollocks because he's as undead right now as he was last week, the week before that, & the week before that.

Emma got a fit of giggles during her astrology forecast. Dunno, maybe it had something to do with several things entering Leo, & I'm not sure anyone could survive that level of affection.

Oh yeah, I pushed buttons, watched the clock, read the comments, said hi to people in chat, & contributed to Emma's giggle fit.

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