Healing Waters by Kenshō Meditation & Sound Bath. Chakra Cleanse, Heal, Find Clarity, Peace, Release Negativity, Blocks

7 months ago

Kenshō Water Meditation & Sound Bath with Gaia Frequencies, Crystal Singing Bowls and more. Gaia (Mother Earth) is a Master Healer and Giver and she continuously provides us with her beauty and peace. By taking time for ourselves to connect with her in this beautiful Meditation, we can calm our body, mind, and spirit, release negative energies and heal our Chakras (energy centers).

Comments are disabled on all presentations to preserve our space as a place of solace for your relaxation and connection to Gaia. Namaste. Namo Himalaya

#Meditation #SoundBath #Water #Calm #Nature #Relax #Breath #Focus #Cleanse #Kensho #Waterfountain #Breathing #Peace #Peaceful #TibetanBowl #Gaia #Zen #Beach #Sand #Ocean #Sea #Sunset #Om #Clouds #Sky #Sunrise #MotherEarth #Chakra #Energycenter #Frequency #Calming #Soothing #Meditative #Namaste #Namohimalaya #Heal #Healing #HZ #Solfeggio #Yoga #Thirdeye #New

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