Natural Born Citizen and Presidential Eligibility. Why Wong Kim Ark Doesn't Resolve the Issue

2 months ago

The big corporate media is repeating over and over that the 14th Amendment makes anyone born in the United States a "Natural Born Citizen" and thus eligible for President. The lynchpin of their argument is a case called "United States vs. Wong Kim Ark". Proponents of a more globalist view of things cherry-pick quotes from this long ruling to try and make you believe that their is no legitimate controversy. Here, I take a closer look at the very ruling that they claim resolves the issue to prove that, by the text of the opinion itself, that the issue remains unresolved. At a time when our government is losing legitimacy and credibility, why the extreme effort to sweep the question under the rug?

Link to Amazon page of "Localism, a philosophy of government"

Link to Amazon page of my political autobiography, "Journey on the Outside, My Life as an Activist"

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