Masoud Pezeshkian Is Sworn in as Iran's New President

2 months ago

07/30/2024 Reuters: Masoud Pezeshkian is sworn in as Iran's new president on July 30th. The victory of the relative moderate has boosted hopes of a thaw in Iran's relations with the West. Masoud Pezeshkian called on Western countries to understand realities and establish relationships based on mutual respect and equal footing.
#MasoudPezeshkian #Iran #President #MutualRespect
07/30/2024 路透社:马苏德·佩泽希齐扬于7月30日宣誓就任伊朗新总统。这位相对温和派人士的获胜增加了伊朗与西方关系解冻的希望。佩泽希齐扬呼吁西方国家理解伊朗的现实,在相互尊重和平等相待的基础上建立关系。
#马苏德·佩泽希齐扬 #伊朗 #总统 #相互尊重

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