Trouble in Thessalonica

6 months ago

Paul and Silas travel to Thessalonica, where they visit a Jewish synagogue. Paul preaches to the Jews and God-fearing Greeks for three Sabbaths, reasoning from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ who had to suffer and rise from the dead. Some Jews and a large number of Greeks believe and join Paul and Silas.

However, other Jews become jealous and form a mob to start a riot in the city. They target the house of Jason, where Paul and Silas are staying, but they do not find them there. Instead, they drag Jason and some other believers before the city officials, accusing them of causing trouble all over the world and defying Caesar's decrees by proclaiming Jesus as king.

The city officials are troubled by these accusations but release Jason and the others after they post bail. Concerned for their safety, the believers send Paul and Silas away to Berea by night, where they continue their ministry.

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