CODM Manipulated a "10 Streak Win Chain" because *I was doing too good*

6 months ago

I was playing Solo Ranked and got 10 wins in a row, I went to go for the 11th win and I belive they started freezing my controls and lagging my game when I would get into gunfights to manipulate the outcome of the match (since I was winning so many rounds) most people would probably say "well I lost 1 it was my phone lagging" and move on; however I know it's not my phone, the game usually runs smooth and when I get "game freeze" usually it's random not *as soon as I enter a gun fight.* not to mention I have 30 GBs free on my phone and no apps open.

but what do you guys think? was this the "game controls freezing and the game lagging randomly" or does it look like some type of game manipulation?

PS: I know reporting them probably wasn't nice especially if they weren't hacking, but I was mad and wanted to let CODM know that I knew they manipulated the round; and if CODM didn't manipulate the round then someone definitely was using a "lag hack" (idk what they're actually called) but it basically makes your opponents lag when they go into gun fights to give you an advantage

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