1 Corinthians Summary Spiritual Gifts - Part 3

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SBC Family,

Tonight we are going to finish up “the spirituals” we started a couple weeks ago. remember, it’s not just about spiritual gifts. The Spirit dispenses spiritual gifts. The Son gives us ministries. The Father brings about the effects. So, as each one of us is a part of the body, then each of us has been given a spiritual gift or gifts to utilize in ministries that will have a variety of effects. Some of these gifts were given for the foundation of the church and have ceased. Others were sign gifts to authenticate those who had the revelatory gifts. Others were mission critical for the early infancy of the church. And some of them are growth gifts that continue as the body of Christ grows to the full stature of Jesus Christ.

Tonight we finally get to the continuous growth gifts. There are 10 of these that are continuing to be given by the Holy Spirit and you have one or more of these. They are all very important and they are part of the main focus of what Christ is doing at the right hand of the Father. He said “I will build my church” and He is building it right in the heart of Satan‘s kingdom. It is a temple that serves as an indwelling of the Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16). So, if you’re not involved in using your gift in some ministry, then you simply are not contributing to what God is doing. Instead, you’re contributing to Satan’s kingdom. We see plenty of evil in this world. The mystery of lawlessness is growing at an unprecedented rate (2 Thess 2:7) which paves the way for the man of lawlessness to rise to power (2 Thess 2:3, 8). It is increasingly important to stand firm and not stumble into the vast array of temptations in our pagan culture. The stage is rapidly being set for the end times onslaught of wrath. Thank God that we are not destined for the wrath to come but for deliverance via rapture (1 Thess 5:9). What sort of people ought you to be in light of God’s coming judgment. Sober minded, attending to what is good, loving one another, submitting to your pastor, loving your wives, respecting your husbands, training your children. We are children of light, not of darkness. Store up your treasure where it counts.

Love in Christ,



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