Republic or Socialist State?

6 months ago

We urged you to vote in 2024. We got guff about supporting Trump because of his stance and signing the bump stock legislation. We totally disagreed with it then, we still do. Thankfully, the SCOTUS overturned that legislation. However, Trump is the right person for the job at this time, even if you don’t agree with everything he’s said or done.
If you are waiting for the perfect president to vote for [or for any government office for that matter] you are part of the problem and may as well give up. Our choice in this election is to vote for and urge our Electoral representatives to vote for Trump, to support Harris or whomever the Dems chose shortly, or to do nothing and whine that your voice doesn’t count or isn’t heard. If you chose either of the last two options, you will be culpable in speeding up the decline of our Republic into a more and more socialist state.
Whomever the Democratic party choses, their intent in the killing of more and more innocent helpless babies, unborn and born, to push euthanasia of the “unwanted” [which could be more and more of us as we “mature”], to encourage the degeneration of morality by pushing men and boys in women’s and girls sports, to a multitude of other degenerate ideologies.
This has started all at the bottom level and people not standing up for RIGHT is the reason so much is wrong.
Get out and vote, for our sake, for God’s sake.
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