DEFUND TITLE IV, -D, E, CPS, DHHS, HHS, Family Courts!!!

2 months ago

Just incase any one has any doubt as to why We demand Title IV
Title IV-D
Title E
Title B
all get defunded and that these Family Courts be SHUT THE FUCK DOWN!!!

This is where MOST of the child trafficking goes on (150 BILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF the United States debt upon these children backs and can be found in the Corporate charter under 42 USC 666 and other places within the Statutes and Codes which is not Law for American People, and has absolutely nothing to do with the American children ...Ding ding ding! )

These Administrative Reviews/Hearings, which are not Judicial Courts!!!
Don't get it twisted!!!

These are "simulated legal processes" and the criminals operating these
child trafficking plots within the American BAR Administration the MINISTERS administering the fraudulent "minor-estate" (Cestui Que Vi Trust, Situs Trust under the Parens Patrea and Loocos Parentis Doctrine's and Cannons under the Vatican
Who are the one's fucking responsible for trafficking children for thousands of years and We have a slim chance in time and space to put a real end to all of this foul order once and for all!
Spotlite of the Boston Globe Team Newspaper already shined a light on this issue
It's been known about for over a decade now
These so called courts are the very criminals getting paid to decide a pedophile associates fate.
Where's the Justice in the Corporation getting paid to trafficking and pimp raped children again through the JUDICIARY SYSTEM
Because I guarantee you the Courts in operation within the Courthouses across America today are not Judicial III Courts pursuant to Our Seventh Amendment!!!

In Suits in common law where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury be otherwise examined in any Court the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Seeings those criminals who rewrote Our American Constitution as their Corporate Charter...
They are still bound there by.

However, I am waiting for the American People to wake up to the fact that the America We all grew up to know and love has been infiltrated by foreign entity that is the initial reason for People leaving Europe in droves...
The Inquisition!!
Run and operated by the Jesuits and the Vatican and
it's 3 Popes of Black Nobility. How many Americans know that the Lloyds of London owns and INSURES all the "errors and omissions" throughout most of the Incorporatized States?
How many Americans know that when a State acts as a corporate entity to do business as it loses all immunity whatsoever?
How many Americans are in love with their debt $lave $ystem?

How many are willing to stand and defend Our children and DEFUND this evil?!!!

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