Ephesians 6:10-20 | Wednesday Night Bible Study | 07-31-2024

7 months ago

Good evening! Welcome to our Bible study where we are going through the Bible 1 chapter at a time - We're moving quickly, but learning a lot (hopefully)!

Let's start off with PRAYER REQUESTS! If you don't want it public, just say "Unspoken Request" because I believe God knows your heart while we join in prayer!

Tonight, we're studying Ephesians!

To be more personal when interacting, please go to https://chat.restream.io/fb so that I can see your name and facebook picture when you comment!

Please let me know you're watching by telling me where you're watching from or just saying Hello!

As always, you can support Cornerstone Church ministry by giving at https://CornerstoneGlenRose.com/online-giving

For any prayer requests, visit: https://cornerstoneglenrose.com/prayer-request/

To Plan a Visit: https://cornerstoneglenrose.com/plan-your-visit/

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