Air Signs🙏(Aug)To hear complaints is wearisome to the wretched & the happy alike.🤔🙄Embrace success!💯

7 months ago


"What is more mortifying than to feel that you have missed the plum for want of courage to shake the tree?" ~Logan Pearsall Smith

🙏Have you ever wished you could communicate with Fallen Angels?🤔🙄👍Well, wish no longer!🤸💯🤗 As Nigel Suckling, renown author writing in the mind, body, spirit, and fantasy art fields, puts it, "[e]very legendary villain has a story ultimately more fascinating than their heroic counterpart." The purpose of this reading, then, will not only validate your current feelings, but it will also empower you to be still, to listen to the wisdom of your fallen angels.🤸💯😁

For a personal reading, please email me at Should Spirit direct you to donate, please send via or via cash app - $Wb61073.

Inspiration for title: Samuel Johnson


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